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WIHPQC 2021 : First International Workshop on Integrating High-Performance Computing with Quantum Computing


When Oct 18, 2021 - Oct 22, 2021
Where Virtual
Submission Deadline Sep 10, 2021
Notification Due Oct 4, 2021
Categories    quantum computing   high-performance computing   hybrid systems   quantum programming

Call For Papers

The First International Workshop on Integrating High-Performance and Quantum Computing
At IEEE Quantum Week, October 18 - 22, 2021, Virtual

Quantum computers, QCs, come with the promise of a substantial increase in computational capabilities compared to binary computer architectures for a range of suitable problems. They, therefore, have to ability to make significant contributions to the field of High-Performance Computing, HPC. On the other hand, though, quantum computing alone cannot achieve this goal, as it requires current and future HPC systems to function. As a consequence, we need a close integration between the quantum computing and the current HPC ecosystems, to form an integrated HPC/QC approach capable of bringing the combined computational abilities to a broad user base.

In this workshop, we bring together practitioners, theoreticians and users from both HPC, QC and the application disciplines, to understand the needs and requirements from both sides for such an integration, to report on and discuss innovative approaches and to build a long-term bridge between the involved communities.

WIHPQC will take place with IEEE Quantum Week, which is held virtually in 2021.

Submission Guidelines

We invite high-quality, abstract submissions on all topics related to integrating QC into the existing binary computing eco-System, with a particular focus on combining HPC and QC. We explicitly encourage submissions at all levels of the system stack, ranging from hardware integration to programming models and environments, from system software to theoretical foundations.

Abstracts will be reviewed by an international program committee. Reviews are blind, but not double-blind. The names of the authors will be seen by the program committee.

To be considered, abstracts must be submitted as PDF files via EasyChair and must be at most 2 pages long, references not included, shorter abstracts are welcome.

Accepted abstracts will be invited for presentation at the workshop during IEEE Quantum Week (registration to IEEE Quantum Week for at least one author is mandatory) and will be published on the workshop webpage. Authors will retain copyright of their work, allowing for future publications.

Organizing committee
- Sven Karlsson, DTU, Denmark
- Laura Brandon Schulz, LRZ, Germany
- Martin Schulz, TUM, Germany

Related Resources

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