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When Sep 23, 2013 - Sep 23, 2013
Where Prague, Czech Republic
Abstract Registration Due Jun 21, 2013
Submission Deadline Jun 28, 2013
Notification Due Jul 19, 2013
Final Version Due Aug 2, 2013
Categories    social media   data mining   social networks   social computing

Call For Papers


for the 4th International ECML/PKDD 2013 Workshop

September 23, 2013 - Prague, Czech Republic


The emergence of ubiquitous computing has started to create new
environments consisting of small, heterogeneous, and
distributed devices that foster the social interaction of users
in several dimensions. Additionally, the upcoming social semantic
web also integrates the user interactions in social networking
environments. Mining in ubiquitous and social environments is
thus an emerging area of research focusing on advanced systems
for data mining in such distributed and network-organized
systems. It also integrates some related technologies such as
activity recognition, Web 2.0 mining, privacy issues and
privacy-preserving mining, predicting user behavior, etc.

In typical ubiquitous settings, the mining system can be
implemented inside the small devices and sometimes on central
servers, for real-time applications, similar to common mining
approaches. However, the characteristics of ubiquitous and
social mining are in general quite different from the current
mainstream data mining and machine learning. Unlike in
traditional data mining scenarios, data does not emerge from a
small number of (heterogeneous) data sources, but potentially
from hundreds to millions of different sources. As there is
only minimal coordination, these sources can overlap or diverge
in any possible way. Steps into this new and exciting
application area are the analysis of this new data, the
adaptation of well known data mining and machine learning
algorithms and finally the development of new algorithms.

The goal of this workshop is to promote an interdisciplinary
forum for researchers working in the fields of ubiquitous
computing, mobile sensing, social semantic web, Web 2.0,
and social networks which are interested in utilizing data
mining in an ubiquitous setting. The workshop seeks for
contributions applying state-of-the-art mining algorithms on
ubiquitous and social data. Papers focusing on the intersection
of the two fields are especially welcome. In short, we want to
accelerate the process of identifying the power of advanced
data mining operating on data collected in ubiquitous and social
environments, as well as the process of advancing data mining
through lessons learned in analyzing these new data.

The topics of the workshop are split roughly into four areas which
include, but are not limited to the following topics:

Ubiquitous Mining:
* Analysis of data from sensors and mobile devices
* Resource-aware algorithms for distributed mining
* Scalable and distributed classification, prediction, and clustering
* Activity recognition
* Mining continuous streams and ubiquitous data
* Online methods for mining temporal, spatial and spatio-temporal data
* Combining data from different sources
* Sensor data preprocessing, transformation, and space-time sampling

Mining Social Data:
* Analysis of social networks and social media
* Mining techniques for social networks and social media
* Algorithms for inferring semantics and meaning from social data
* Privacy and security issues in social data
* Social networks for the collaboration of large communities
* Modeling social behavior
* Dynamics and evolution patterns of social networks
* Link prediction

Ubiquitous and Social Mining
* Personalization and recommendation
* User models and predicting user behavior
* User profiling in ubiquitous and social environments
* Network analysis of social systems
* Discovering social structures and communities
* Analysis of data from crowd-sourcing approaches
* Group formation and evolution
* Mobility Mining

* Discovering misuse and fraud
* Usage and presentation interfaces for mining and data collection
* Analysis of social and ubiquitous games
* Privacy challenges in ubiquitous and social applications
* Recommenders in ubiquitous and social environments
* Applications of any of the above methods and technologies

We also encourage submissions which relate research results from
other areas to the workshop topics.

As in the previous years, it is planned to publish revised selected papers
as a volume in the Springer LNCS/LNAI series

* Martin Atzmueller, Knowledge and Data Engineering Group,
University of Kassel, Germany (
* Christoph Scholz, Knowledge and Data Engineering Group,
University of Kassel, Germany (

* Albert Bifet, University of Waikato, New Zealand.
* Ciro Cattuto, ISI Foundation, Italy
* Michelangelo Ceci, University of Bari, Italy
* Jill Freyne, CSIRO, Australia
* Daniel Gayo Avello, University of Oviedo, Spain
* Ido Guy, IBM Research
* Andreas Hotho, University of Wuerzburg, Germany
* Kristian Kersting, Fraunhofer IAIS and University of Bonn, Germany
* Florian Lemmerich, University of Wuerzburg, Germany
* Claudia Mueller-Birn, FU Berlin, Germany
* Haggai Roitman, IBM Research Haifa, Israel
* Giovanni Semeraro, University of Bari, Italy
* Philipp Singer, Graz University of Technology, Austria
* Maarten van Someren, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
* Gerd Stumme, University of Kassel, Germany
* Arkaitz Zubiaga, City University of New York, USA


We invite two types of submissions for this workshop:
* Technical papers in any of the topics of interest of the workshop
(but not limited to them)
* Short position papers in any of the topics of interest of the workshop
(but not limited to them)

Submitted papers will be peer-reviewed and selected on the basis of
these reviews. Accepted papers will be presented at the workshop.

Format requirements for submissions of papers are: Maximum 16
pages, including title page and bibliography for technical
papers. Maximum 8 pages, including title page and bibliography
for short position papers.

All submissions must be entered into the reviewing system:

If you have any question please contact the MUSE Organizers. We
recommend to follow the format guidelines of ECML/PKDD (Springer
LNCS), as this will be the required format for accepted papers.

More details can be found on the workshop website:

Important Dates
* Abstract Submission: June 21st, 2013
* Paper Submission Deadline: June 28th, 2013
* Author Notification: July 19th, 2013
* Camera Ready Papers: August 2nd, 2013

Related Resources

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ICDM 2025   The 25th IEEE International Conference on Data Mining
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