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JISE 2016 : Journal of Information Science and Engineering :Special Issue on Cloud Computing and Security


When N/A
Where N/A
Submission Deadline TBD
Notification Due Aug 14, 2016
Final Version Due Sep 1, 2016
Categories    cloud computing   cloud security   access control mechanisms   privacy

Call For Papers

Call for Papers
Special Issue on Cloud Computing and Security

Aim & Scope
The objective of this special issue is to provide an opportunity for academic communities, research scholars, students and other corporates to contribute to the development of cloud security issues with their novel ideas and techniques. We invite research articles that fall under the theme mentioned:

1)Access Control Mechanisms for Cloud Computing Environment: Cloud storage is utilised in a dynamic collaboration environment, which creates the need for improved access control techniques that anticipates outsourced data from security risk exposures (Peng, Mugen, et al. 2014). Users of cloud based enterprises are susceptible to perform numerous abstract operations on low-level data objects (Tari and Zahir 2014). This furnishes the need for various user trust levels to access multiple cloud based services. Managing authorisations for account spanning services requires an access control model that preserves the security of traditional access control techniques. This includes the provision of the different level of abstraction which allows the administrators to implement high-level access policies which are independent of low-level infrastructures that constitute the cloud services (Ferris and James Michael 2014). What are all the different types of access services provided by existing access control techniques? How to provide high-level user access abstractions with low-level user attributes? How to improve the level of fine-grained access measure associated with user data access provision? How to preserve the property of forward and backward security assurance with user data access provision? As there is a lack of conceptual design pertaining to above-mentioned interrogations research articles answering these issues are encouraged.

2) Novel and Privacy Preserving Data-mining and Data-Management Algorithms for Cloud Computing Environment: The wide spread adoption of cloud services was found to be prevalent in large-scale enterprises in comparative to medium and low-level organisations (Oliveira et al.2014). The unique characteristics of the cloud computing such as on-demand services, scalability, flexibility and cost-effectiveness makes it feasible for the larger organisations to adopt cloud services (Gong, Chunye, et al 2012; Zhang et al. 2012). The multi-tenant nature of the cloud services initiates the impact of security threats over outsourced data and it causes several problems related to user data management, user data storage, user data retrieval, etc. (Krutz et al. 2010, He, Jin, et al. 2015). The existing research articles acts as standards and it is not an actual solution to the above-mentioned issues. This creates the requirement of novel privacy preserving data mining and data management algorithms for cloud computing environment. Efficient algorithms on cloud data management, retrieval, transmission and data mining are highly invited.

3) Cryptographic Techniques for Information Sharing and Data Protection in Cloud Computing: As the need for cloud computing increases rapidly, the security features that assists in protection of cloud data has also become the mandatory one. There exist several techniques such as digital signatures, auditing mechanisms, authentication protocols, etc. The concept of cryptography acts as a standard that assists in the provision of efficient security features to cloud data users. Though several articles exist in the domain of cloud computing cryptography, few of the issues still remains a concern. The following were considered to be serious threats over existing cryptographic techniques and the articles focusing the below themes are invited:

Efficient cryptographic techniques to share user sensitive information through the use of user attributes as a cryptographic key.
Privacy preserving secret key extraction protocols that assists in secure data transfer.
Cost effective and reliable cryptographic mechanisms that assist in effective data transformation and storage across vast variety of data users.

Possible research areas include, but not limited to:
User models and workload characterization in Clouds
Access control schemes for clouds
Identity management for cloud services
Distributed authentication and authentication
Security architectures for cloud environment
Novel Security protocols for cloud computing
Privacy-preserving data mining for clouds
Multi-Cloud security provisioning
Real time analysis of security
Data protection in the cloud
Cryptographic protocols against internal attacks in clouds
Risk management in cloud computing environments
Privacy protection in cloud platforms
Privacy policy framework for clouds
Information sharing in cloud
Cloud forensic and anti-forensic techniques and implementations
Cloud-based intrusion detection and prevention systems
Energy/cost/efficiency of security in clouds
Cloud hacking and virus protection
Cloud browser security
Next generation fire wall for clouds
Cloud monitoring
Secured cloud management services
Secured information sharing and data protection in the cloud
QoS-based trust models and QoS monitoring mechanisms

Submission Guidelines
Authors are invited to submit previously unpublished works. Also the work must not be under consideration of publication or under review elsewhere. Please follow the authors¡¦ guideline available here: For extended versions of conference papers, the conference version must be declared and a list of changes should be included. All submissions will be peer-reviewed for originality, significance, technical soundness, practical contribution, and clarity of reporting. Electronic paper submissions must follow JISE format requirements, and should be submitted to SI_Auto_Submit_System at
JISE SI_CCS Submission System. A template of submitted paper can be found at

Important Dates
Submission Deadline: June 30, 2016
Acceptance Notification: August 14, 2016
Final Manuscript Due: September 1, 2016
Publication Date: November 30, 2016 (Tentative)

Guest Editors
Prof. Ce-Kuen Shieh
National Cheng-Kung University, Taiwan

Prof. Robert Davison
City University of Hong Kong, HK

Asso. Prof. Balamurugan Balusamy
VIT University,India

Prof. Ram Chakka
Institutional Development, Quality, Director Research, RGMCET, Nandyal,India

Prof. Rajkumar Buyya
University of Melbourne, Australia

Related Resources

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