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NONCOG-LAK 2018 : Workshop on Online Learning & Non-Cognitive Assessment at Scale


When Mar 6, 2018 - Mar 6, 2018
Where Sydney, Australia
Submission Deadline Dec 18, 2017
Categories    learning analytics   online learning   educational sciences   educational data mining

Call For Papers

*Call for Papers - Workshop on Online Learning & Non-Cognitive Assessment
at Scale (**LAK 18* (*)*

(Mar 6, 2018, Sydney, Australia)

Workshop website: (

The theme of the workshop underscores challenges and needs of assessment of
non-cognitive capabilities at scale in online learning environments while
aiming to deriving actionable insights. Presentations on finished, ongoing,
and proposed studies, as well as facilitated discussion sessions are
planned to develop a preliminary framework to illustrate the current
development of non-cognitive assessments within online learning
environments and to inspire attendees to come up with exciting new lines of
research of their own. Toward building this framework, we invite
submissions on this topic that reflects but not restricted to the following
guiding points:

§ Theories: What are the relevant theories that can inform assessments of
non-cognitive skills and their application as part of online learning?

§ Data sources: Where and how can data related to learners’ non-cognitive
skills be measured and collected during online learning?

§ Tools: What analytical and assessment tools are useful in analyzing
non-cognitive constructs at scale as part of online learning?

§ Methods:

o How are non-cognitive constructs operationalized as part of online

o What analytical methods have been used? What other new methods can be

o How can we appropriately link non-cognitive assessment with cognitive
assessment during online learning?

§ Generalizability: What kind of practices and findings are domain-general
across learning environments?

§ Applicability: How can research findings translate into actionable
insights for various stakeholders (learners, instructors, administrators,
investors, etc.)?


¨ Elle Yuan Wang, Research Scientist, Arizona State University

¨ Sweet San Pedro, Research Scientist, ACT, Inc.

¨ Srecko Joksimovic, Data Scientist/Lecturer, University of South

¨ Tamera McKinniss, Senior Research Psychologist, ACT, Inc.

¨ Jason Way, Research Psychologist, ACT, Inc.

*Submission Instructions*

We provide two submission types in order to maximize participation
opportunities and create a discussion that is as timely as possible.

· Short papers (3 to 5 pages)

· Abstracts (1-2 pages)

Submission Deadline: Dec 18, 2017

All papers should follow the Companion Proceedings Template
The submission will be handled via EasyChair
We will publish accepted papers and abstracts in the LAK Companion
Proceedings, and presentation materials, with permission of the author(s).
The proceedings will also include a summary of the workshop and will be
published online.

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