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SIGCOMM 2015 : Conference on Applications, Technologies, Architectures, and Protocols for Computer Communication


Conference Series : Conference on Applications, Technologies, Architectures, and Protocols for Computer Communication
When Aug 17, 2015 - Aug 21, 2015
Where London
Abstract Registration Due Jan 23, 2015
Submission Deadline Jan 30, 2015
Notification Due Apr 24, 2015

Call For Papers

The ACM SIGCOMM 2015 conference seeks papers describing significant research contributions to the field of computer and data communication networks. We invite submissions on a wide range of networking research, including, but not limited to:

Design, implementation, and analysis of network architectures and algorithms
Enterprise, datacenter, and storage area networks
SDNs and network programming
Experimental results from operational networks or network applications
Economic aspects of the Internet
Energy-aware communication
Insights into network and traffic characteristics
Network management and traffic engineering
Network security and privacy
Network, transport, and application-layer protocols
Networking issues for emerging applications
Fault-tolerance, reliability, and troubleshooting
Operating system and host support for networking
P2P, overlay, and content distribution networks
Resource management, QoS, and signaling
Routing, switching, and addressing
Techniques for network measurement and simulation
Wireless, mobile, and sensor networks
In addition to the main conference, SIGCOMM 2015 will have a series of co-located workshops, tutorials, poster and demo sessions, a travel grant program, and conference best paper and SIGCOMM awards.

SIGCOMM is a highly selective conference where full papers typically report novel results firmly substantiated by experimentation, deployment, simulation, or analysis. Please note that the submission length constraints have changed for 2015: submissions should be in two-column, 10-point format, and can be up to 12 pages in length with as many additional pages as necessary for references. Note that accepted camera-ready papers will be 12 pages in length, in two-column 9-point format. Detailed submission instructions can be found on the conference web site.

New in 2015
SIGCOMM 2015 will include a new track for experience papers on the design, analysis, and evaluation of techniques in commercial (or otherwise widespread) deployment. Authors must explicitly indicate whether a submission is to be considered for this track or the standard track. (Further information in the detailed submission instructions.)

To ensure that peer review of submissions in the areas of optical networking and the wireless physical layer robustly considers novelty over the extensive EE literature, the SIGCOMM 2015 PC includes experts in the core EE areas of optical and wireless communications. They will contribute reviews for these submissions.

Authors must as part of the submission process attest that their work complies with all applicable ethical standards of their home institution(s), including, but not limited to privacy policies and policies on experiments involving humans. The PC takes a broad view of what constitutes an ethical concern, and authors agree to be available at any time during the review process to rapidly respond to queries from the PC chairs regarding ethical standards.

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