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CIARP 2013 : 18th Iberoamerican Congress on Pattern Recognition CIARP 2013Conference Series : Iberoamerican Congress on Pattern Recognition | |||||||||||||||
Link: http://www.ciarp.org/xviii/ | |||||||||||||||
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Call For Papers | |||||||||||||||
18th Iberoamerican Congress on Pattern Recognition, CIARP 2013
November 20th - 23th, 2013/ Havana, Cuba HERE YOU CAN FIND ALL INFORMATION ABOUT THE IAPR-CONFERENCE CIARP 2013 (or visit www.ciarp.org) This conference is organized by the Cuban Association for Pattern Recognition (ACRP), the Advanced Technologies Applications Center (CENATAV) of Cuba; and sponsored by the International Association for Pattern Recognition (IAPR) and by the Mexican Association for Computer Vision, Neural Computing and Robotics (MACVNR), the Portuguese Association for Pattern Recognition (APRP), the Spanish Association for Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis (AERFAI), the Special Interest Group on Pattern Recognition of the Brazilian Computer Society (SIGPR-SBC), the Chilean Association for Pattern Recognition (ChAPR), and the Argentine Society for Pattern Recognition (SARP-SADIO). CIARP 2013 will include the following features, traditionally characterizing CIARP conferences: -IAPR-CIARP AWARD TO THE BEST PAPER -A NEW PRIZE: CIARP AWARD AURORA PONS-PORRATA -SPECIAL SECTION OF A REGULAR ISSUE OF PATTERN RECOGNITION LETTERS INCLUDING PAPERS OF THE SCIENTISTS THAT WILL BE AWARDED AT CIARP 2013 (IAPR-CIARP BEST SCIENTIFIC PAPER AWARD AND CIARP AWARD AURORA PONS-PORRATA) -PROCEEDINGS PUBLISHED BY SPRINGER IN THE LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE SERIES -SPECIAL ISSUES OF JOURNALS "International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence", and "Intelligent Data Analysis" -4 TUTORIALS GIVEN BY PROFESSORS JIAN PEI, FABIO ROLI, GABRIELLA SANNITI DI BAJA, AND TIENIU TAN The 18th Iberoamerican Congress on Pattern Recognition, CIARP 2013, will be as usual a forum for exchanging scientific results and experiences, as well as for sharing new knowledge and increasing the co-operation between research groups in pattern recognition and related areas. The technical program will include three invited keynote lectures given by internationally renowned researchers: - Tieniu Tan National Laboratory on Pattern Recognition of China - Jian Pei Simon Fraser University, Canada - Fabio Roli University of Cagliari, Italy The IAPR- CIARP Award to the best paper --------------------------------------- An award, consisting of a cash prize and a certificate, will be given to the author(s) of the Best Paper registered and presented at CIARP 2013. Aim of this award is to acknowledge and encourage excellence, originality and innovativeness of new models, methods and techniques with an outstanding theoretical contribution and practical application to the field of pattern recognition and/or data mining. The selection of the winner will be based on the wish of the author(s) to be considered for the prize, the evaluation and recommendations from members of the Program Committee and the evaluation of the CIARP-IAPR Award Committee. The committee consists of Josef Kittler, Jian Pei, Fabio Roli, Gabriella Sanniti di Baja and Tieniu Tan. This committee, carefully chosen to avoid conflicts of interest, will evaluate each nominated paper in a second review process, which will also include the quality of the poster and/or oral presentation. Award Committee --------------- - Josef Kittler - Jian Pei - Fabio Roli - Gabriella Sanniti di Baja - Tieniu Tan The CIARP Award Aurora Pons-Porrata ------------------------------- We welcome nominations for the Aurora Pons Porrata Award. This Iberoamerican annual prize is given to a living woman in recognition of an outstanding technical contribution to the field of pattern recognition or data mining, and consists of a cash amount, a suitably inscribed certificate and a medal. Anyone woman is eligible to be nominated, except for the current members of the APP Award Committee. To initiate a nomination, a nominator must submit an Aurora Pons Porrata Award Nomination Form. Any member of a national pattern recognition society can serve as nominator, except for the nominee herself and the current members of the APP Award Committee. Each nomination must be endorsed by at least one recommendation letter, from a member of an iberoamerican pattern recognition society (different from the nominator). Electronic Nomination and Endorsement forms should be submitted no later than August 24, 2013. Please address your data through email to the chair of the APP Award Committee: Edel Garcia Reyes, egarcia@cenatav.co.cu Subject: APP Award 2013 Each electronic submission will be acknowledged by an email containing the submitted form. Award Committee --------------- - Isneri Talavera-Bustamante (Cuba) - Rita Cuchira (Italy) - Rocio González-Díaz (Spain) CIARP has had a good performance, especially in the last 10 conferences. Its Proceedings appeared in Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), the number of submissions has been about 250 and the rejection rate has been higher than 50%. To enhance the visibility of the best submissions and to stimulate further good scientific papers we are planning to invite the best papers to prepare an extended version for a respective special issue of the prestigious journals (contacts with editors are going on). Based on the reviews of our highly qualified program committee about 125 paper will be accepted for the conference. From this we will organize the special issues. This second selection will be based on the following procedure: * cluster all accepted papers around a common "theme"; the idea is that a particular topic enhances the attractiveness of the special issue more than just a digest of the best contributions; * rank the papers within each cluster according to their scientific quality and potential for substantial extension for the journal; * select the clusters for the special issues depending on this ranking; * invite authors to submit a substantially extended version for the special issue that should be significantly different. Each of the themes will be coordinated by one member of the PC and the final decision will be taken in agreement with the journal. The Invited Editors of the Special Issues will be Jose Ruiz-Shulcloper and Gabriella Sanniti di Baja. TOPICS OF INTERESTS -------------------- Topics include, but are not limited to: Applications of Pattern Recognition AI Techniques in PR Biometrics Bioinformatics, Chemometrics Clustering Cognitive Humanoid Vision Computer Vision Data Mining DB, Knowledge Bases and Linguistic Tools Discrete Geometry Document Processing and Recognition Fuzzy and Hybrid Techniques in PR Image Coding, Processing and Analysis Kernel Machines Logical Combinatorial PR Mathematical Morphology Mathematical Theory of PR Medical Imaging Natural Language Processing and PR Neural Networks for PR Parallel and Distributed PR Pattern Recognition Principles Robotics & Remote Sensing Applications of PR Shape and Texture Analysis Signal Processing and Analysis Special Hardware Architectures Statistical Pattern Recognition Syntactical and Structural PR Video analysis Voice and Speech Recognition Image, Video, and Knowledge Bases PAPER SUBMISSION ---------------- Prospective authors are invited to contribute to the conference by submitting full papers by the Online Conference Service OCS: http://senldogo0039.springer-sbm.com/ocs/en/conference/submitpaperto/CIARP2013 by June 15, 2013 at the latest through the submission option in the CIARP 2013 webpage (http://www.ciarp.org). Submissions should be written in English and their length should not exceed 8 A4-pages including illustrations, results and references. Accepted contributions must be presented at the conference in English. All submissions will be peer reviewed for originality, technical content and relevance to the theme of CIARP 2013 by three members of the Program Committee. The final acceptance will be based upon blind peer review of the full-length paper. All accepted papers will be included in the proceedings of the CIARP 2013, which will be published by Springer in Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Submissions should be prepared by following the instructions of Springer for the LNCS series. (See http://www.springer.com/computer/lncs?SGWID=0-164-6-793341-0) Submission implies the willingness of at least one of the authors to register and to present the communication at the conference, if it is accepted. IMPORTANT DATES AND REGISTRATION FEES -------------------------------------- Deadline for paper Submission: June 15th 2013 Acceptance notification: July 31st 2013 Camera-ready: Sept 1st 2013 Registration BEFORE Sept 1st 2013 --------------------------------- IAPR Members: 350 Non-IAPR Members: 400 Registration AFTER Sept 1st 2013 --------------------------------- IAPR Members: 400 Non-IAPR Members: 450 Extra Conference Dinner 50 The registration fee includes: Proceedings, Lunches, Coffee Breaks, Conference Dinner, Tutorials, Cultural Program, and Diploma. CO-CHAIRMEN ----------- - José Ruiz-Shulcloper CENATAV, Havana, Cuba - Gabriella Sanniti di Baja Istituto di Cibernetica, National Research Council of Italy (CNR) LOCAL COMMITTEE ---------------- Isneri Talavera-Bustamante José Hernández-Palancar Edel García-Reyes José Medina-Pagola Eduardo Garea-LLano Ricardo González-Gazapo José R. Calvo-De Lara Andrés Gago-Alonso Heydi Méndez-Vázquez Diana Porro-Muñoz Rainer Larín-Fonseca Niusvel Acosta-Mendoza Danis López-Naranjo Marieli Capote-Rodríguez LOCAL ARRANGEMENTS COMMITTEE ---------------------------- Delia Luisa Tamayo-Reyes Haydee Alonso-León Nancy Iglesias-Gámez Maité Romero-Durán Candida Guevara-Bosch Elsa Loreto Rodríguez-Pedroso Zoyka Cardona-Puig Meliset Hernández Palancar Mercedes Jaimerena-Lozano Rolando Rivero-Bacallao STEERING COMMITTEE: ------------------- Marta Mejail, SARP (Argentina) Olga R. Pereira Bellon, SIGPR-SBC (Brasil) César Enrique San Martín Salas, UDEC (Chile) Edel Garcia-Reyes, ACRP (Cuba) Eduardo Bayro-Corrochano, MACVNR (Mexico) Cesar Beltrán-Castanon, PAPR (Perú) Miguel Sanches, APRP (Portugal) Roberto Paredes Palacios, AERFAI (Spain) Álvaro Pardo, APRU (Uruguay) PROGRAM COMMITTEE ----------------------------------- Ablameyko, S. V. (Belurus) Aguilar, J. L. (Venezuela) Alquezar Mancho, R. (Spain) Arco, L. (Cuba) Asano, A. (Japan) Bayro-Corrochano, E. (Mexico) Bello, R. (Cuba) Beltrán Castañón, C. (Perú) Benediktsson, J.A. (Iceland) Berlanga-Llavori, R. (Spain) Bigun, J. (Sweden) Borgefors, G. (Sweden) Bourlard, H. (Switzerland) Boyer, K. L. (USA) Caldas Pinto, J.R. (Portugal) Calvo, J. (Cuba) Cantoni, V. (Italy) Carrasco, J. A. (Mexico) Cesar, R. (Brasil) Chetverikov, D. (Hungary) Concepcion E. (Cuba) Corchado, E. (Spain) D'Ávila, N. (Brasil) De Stefano, C. (Italy) Debled-Rennesson, I. (France) Del Bimbo, A (Italy) Duin, R. P. W. (Netherlands) Eklundh, J.O. (Sweden) Ercil, A. (Turkey) Escalante, B. (Mexico) Estudillo-Romero, A. (Mexico) Facon, J. (Brasil) Ferrer, C. (Cuba) Figueroa-Nazuno, J. (Mexico) Fred, A. (Portugal) Frucci, M. (Italy) Fukuda, T. (Japan) Gago, A. (Cuba) García Lorenzo, M. (Cuba) García Reyes. E. (Cuba) Garea, E. (Cuba) Gelbukh, A. (Mexico) Gibert Oliveras, K. (Spain) Ginori, J.V.L. (Cuba) Goldfarb, L. (Canada) Gomez Gil, M. P. (Mexico) González, R. (Spain) Graña Romay, M. (Spain) Grau, A. (Spain) Gurevich, I. (Rusia) Haindl, M. (Czech Republic) Hancock, E. (UK) Hernandez, J. (Cuba) Heutte, L. (France) Hlavac, V. (Czech Republic) Ismail Awad, Ali (Egypt) Jacobo, J. (Argentina) Jiang, X. (Germany) Kampel, M. (Austria) Klette, R. (New Zealand) Kober, V. (Mexico) Kosters, W. (Netherlands) Kropatsch, W. G. (Austria) Laurendeau, D. (Canada) Lazo, M. (Cuba) Levachkine, S. (Mexico) Lopez, A. (Mexico) Lovell, B. (Austria) Luengo, C. (Sweden) Martinez, J. F. (Mexico) Medina, J. (Cuba) Mejail, M. (Argentina) Mirowski, P. (USA) Montes-Gómez, M. (Mexico) Moraga, C. (Spain/Germany) Morales, E. F. (Mexico) Muñoz, A. (Spain) Muse, P. (Uruguay) Niemann, H. (Germany) Nixon, M. (UK) O'Gorman, L. (USA) Palagyi, K. (Hungary) Pardo, A. (Uruguay) Pedrycz, W. (Canada) Pereira Bellon, O.R. (Brazil) Perez, R. (USA) Petrosino, A. (Italy) Pla, F. (Spain) Pon Soto, C. (Chile) Radeva, P. (Spain) Real Jurado, P. (Spain) Reyes-García, C. A. (Mexico) Ribeiro, B. (Portugal) Ritter, G. (USA) Rodríguez Morales, R. (Cuba) Roli, F. (Italy) Rosales-Perez, A. (Mexico) Ross, A. (USA) Rueda, L. (Chile) Ruiz del Solar, J. (Chile) Ruiz-Shulcloper, J. (Cuba) Sahli, Hichem (Belgium) San Martín, C. (Chile) Sanches, J.M.R. (Portugal) Sanfeliu, A. (Spain) Sang-Woon, K. (Korea) Sanniti di Baja, G. (Italy) Sierra Araujo, B. (Spain) Sintorn, I. (Sweden) Sossa Azuela, J. H. (Mexico) Soto, A. (Chile) Strand, R. (Sweden) Suarez-Araujo, CP (Spain), Sun, Z. (China) Taboada-Crispi, A. (Cuba) Talavera, I. (Cuba) Tan, T. (China) Tepper, M. (Argentina) Tistarelli, M. (Italy) Tombre, K. (France) Torres, I. (Spain) Valev, V. V. (USA) Vidal Ruiz, E. (Spain) Yáñez, C. (Mexico) CONFERENCE SECRETARIAT ---------------------- ciarp2013@cenatav.co.cu Advanced Technologies Applications Center, CUBA, http://www.cenatav.co.cu/ Cuban Association for Pattern Recognition, http://acrp.cenatav.co.cu/ 7ª A #21406 esq. 216, Rpto. Siboney, Playa. C.P. 12200. La Habana, Cuba Office Phone number: (+)537.271.4787 Fax number: (+)537.272.4613 CONFERENCE VENUE ---------------- HOTEL PALCO http://www.cpalco.com/ LOCAL INFORMATION ----------------- General Information About Cuba http://www.cuba.cu/ Money http://www.bc.gov.cu/English/home.asp Havana Weather http://www.weather.com/outlook/travel/businesstraveler/local/CUXX0003 [ Our apologies if you received multiple copies of this message ] [ A printer friendly version of this Call you can find it at : http://www.ciarp.org/xviii/images/cfp/First_Call_for_Papers.pdf ] [ If you want to unsubscribe from this mail list, please send a reply to ciarp2013@ciarp.org with the subject "***UNSUBSCRIBE***" ] [ If you want to send ANY correction (Name, Email, etc.), please send a reply with the subject "***CORRECTION***", and in the mail body the content of you correction ] |