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IoT-SECFOR 2019 : The 3rd International Workshop on Security and Forensics of IoT


When Aug 26, 2019 - Aug 29, 2019
Where Canterbury, UK
Submission Deadline Apr 10, 2019
Notification Due Jun 10, 2019
Final Version Due Jun 26, 2019
Categories    IOT   security   forensics

Call For Papers

Internet-of-Things (IoT) are becoming increasingly prevalent in our society, as the backbone of interconnected smart homes, smart hospitals, smart cities, smart wearables and other smart environments. IoT leverage embedded technologies equipped with sensors and communication capabilities; they are able to broadcast their presence to other objects and interact with them using different protocols. Gartner predicts that, by 2020, 21 billion IoT endpoints will be in use. Along with usability, efficiency, and cost savings benefits, increasingly, the use of IoT pose security risks and raise challenges to digital forensics. The massive DDoS caused by the Mirai botnet which exploited IoT devices is a recent example. This workshop aims to bring together researchers and practitioners from both communities – security and forensics – to discuss problems and solutions regarding IoT.

Adaptive security in IoT
Challenges related to IoT forensics and security
Coexistence of different security protocols in IoT
Covert communication in IoT
Cryptography protocols and algorithms for IoT
Cybercrimes exploiting IoT
Data analysis of IoT for forensic investigation
Data ownership and attack simulation methods for IoT networks and devices
Identification/preservation of evidence for digital forensic investigations involving IoT
Intrusion and malware detection/prevention technologies for IoTLegal and human aspects of security and forensics of IoT
Models for risk identification and assessment in IoT networks
Privacy and trust in IoT
Security and forensic aspects in Cyber physical IoT systems
Security applications and management of IoT
Security architectures and protection mechanisms for IoT
Security in Wireless Sensor Networks applied to IoT
Threat models and attack strategies for IoT

Related Resources

IoTI5 2025   7th International Workshop on IoT Applications and Industry 5.0
Security 2025   Special Issue on Recent Advances in Security, Privacy, and Trust
Integrating Embodied Intelligence and Io 2025   Intelligent Computing: Special Issue: Advanced Intelligent Computation for Integrating Embodied Intelligence and IoT Systems
NLAIM 2025   2nd International Conference on NLP, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Applications
CYBER 2025   The Tenth International Conference on Cyber-Technologies and Cyber-Systems
CCS 2025   ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security 2024 (round 2)
PCEIoT 2025   5th Workshop on Privacy in the Cloud/Edge/IoT World
ESORICS 2025   European Symposium on Research in Computer Security (round 2)
IoE 2025   Special issue on: Cybersecurity Issues and Challenges in Internet of Energy (IoE)
AIVTS 2025   The First International Conference on AI-enabled Unmanned Autonomous Vehicles and Internet of Things for Critical Services