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IHAW 2020 : ICT for Health, Accessibility and Wellbeing


When May 4, 2020 - May 6, 2020
Where Rouen, France
Submission Deadline Jan 15, 2020
Notification Due Feb 15, 2020
Final Version Due Mar 15, 2020
Categories    human-machine interaction   health care   serious games   mechatronics

Call For Papers

--Deadline extended to January 15, 2020--

ICT for Health, Accessibility and Wellbeing (IC-IHAW 2020) is the first of the series of International Conferences on ICT for Societal Challenges. It is a showcase for high quality oral and poster presentations and demonstrations sessions.

This conference aims to be a platform for multi and interdisciplinary research at the interplay between Information and Communication Technologies, Biomedical, Neuro-cognitive, and Experimental research.

This research includes the design, experimental evaluation and standardization of new ICT in-silico scalable systems for new and future inclusive and sustainable technologies that benefit all: healthy people, people with disabilities or other impairments, people having chronic diseases, etc. User-centered design and innovation, new intuitive ways of human-computer interaction, and user acceptance are the topics of particular interest.

Relevant topics include (but are not limited to) the following:

1) AI and Cognition, Cognitive Mechatronics, Human-Machine Interaction, Cobotics, Model-based design and configuration tools for healthcare and well-being.
2) Systems for management of health and care (mental health, pain, neurological disorders, sight, hearing, balance, space awareness; sensory based physiological and psychological non-invasive measurements, preventive healthcare, m-healthcare, e-healthcare, integrated care, serious games, electronic health record, self-management, patient-centered systems for survivorship, palliation and/or end-of-life care).
3) Systems promoting access to the socio-economical and cultural environment.
4) Age-friendly systems for active and healthy aging (telepresence, robotics solutions, innovative solutions for independent living, innovative elderly care, integrated care, age-related risks prevention/detection).
5) Multimodal assistive ICT devices to empower people with sensory, cognitive, motor, balance and spatial impairments.
6) ICT systems to improve the quality of life and for daily life activities assistance (education, recreation, and nutrition).
7) Smart living homes and wearables (Intelligent and personalized digital solutions for sustaining and extending healthy and independent living; personalized early risk detection and intervention).
8) New experimental validation methods with end-users.
9) Standardization, certification, labeling, privacy, security and communication issues (related to aging well, to sensory impairment).

High-quality original submissions that address such future issues, show the design and evaluation in (near-)real scenarios, explain how to benchmark systems, and outline the education and training procedures for acquiring new perceptual skills while using such systems are welcome.

Research and technical papers are expected to present significant and original contributions validated with the targeted end-users. Early works and works-in-progress are invited to submit a poster or demo paper.

Submissions should clearly state the progress beyond the existing state-of-the-art and the expected societal benefits of the developed technology. When possible, validate scenarios with the target user groups and well-identified technology readiness levels (TRL) should be at least outlined.

More information on the web page:

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