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Cognitonics 2017 : The Fifth International Conference on Cognitonics – the Science about the Human Being in the Digital World | |||||||||||||||||
Link: http://is.ijs.si/conferences.php | |||||||||||||||||
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Call For Papers | |||||||||||||||||
The Fifth International Conference on Cognitonics – the Science about the Human Being in the Digital World (Cognit-2017, October 9 - 10, 2017) – a subconference of the 20th International Scientific Multiconference "Information Society" – IS 2017 (9 - 13 October, 2017, Jozef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia, http://is.ijs.si/conferences.php)
Co-Chairs: Vladimir A. Fomichov* and Olga S. Fomichova ** * School of Business Informatics, Faculty of Business and Management, National Research University Higher School of Economics (HSE) , Kirpichnaya str. 33, 105187 Moscow, Russia; http://www.hse.ru/en/org/persons/67739; ** Division "Dialogue of Sciences", State Budget Professional Educational Institution “Sparrow Hills”, Universitetsky prospect 5, 119296 Moscow, Russia Contact person: Vladimir A. Fomichov E-mail: vfomichov [AT] hse.ru; vfomichov [AT] gmail.com Language of the conference: English #Publications The Proceedings of the conference Cognit-2017 will be published in a separate edited volume with an ISBN and posted (open access) in October 2017 on the Web-site of the International Multiconference "Information Society" (http://is.ijs.si). The best papers presented at the conference will be recommended (in modified and expanded forms) for publishing in Informatica. An International journal of Computing and Informatics (www.informatica.si, open access, no publication fee) and in the international journals of the DLINE group (http://www.dline.info/new/, no publication fees), in particular, in the Journal of Digital Information Management (http://www.dirf.org/jdim). Two mentioned international journals are indexed in Scopus. # Conference Scope The first objective of cognitonics is to explicate the distortions in the perception of the world caused by the peculiarities of information society and globalization. The second, principal objective of cognitonics is to cope with these distortions in different fields by means of elaborating systemic solutions for compensating the negative implications of the kind for the personality and society, in particular, for creating cognitive-cultural preconditions of the harmonic development of the personality in the information society and knowledge society and for ensuring the successful development of national cultures and national languages. Cognitonics formulates a new, large-scale goal for the software industry and Web science: to develop a new generation of culture-oriented computer programs and online courses intended for supporting and developing positively-oriented creativity, emotional intelligence, communication culture, social responsibility, the appreciation of the roots of the national cultures, the awareness of the integrity of the cultural space in the information and smart society and for supporting and developing symbolic information processing and linguistic skills, associative and reasoning abilities of children, adolescents, and university students. From the standpoint of educational practice, cognitonics proposes an answer to the following question: what precious ideas and images accumulated by the mankind, at what age, and in what a way are to be inscribed into the world's conceptual picture of a person in order to harmonize his/her intellectual and spiritually-coloured emotional development and to contribute to the successful development of national cultures and national languages? Being a relatively young scientific discipline, cognitonics both is of high social significance just now and has great prospects of the kind. It is due to the fact that it suggests new, deep and constructive ideas, new angles of look and original, effective solutions to a number of socially significant problems emerged in adjacent fields, including education. The examples of such solutions are as follows. During last decade, big international companies, fulfilling the casting of the specialists for vacant positions, have been paying a high attention to the level of emotional intelligence (EI) of the pretenders. Cognitonics suggested a highly effective system of teaching methods aimed at supporting and developing EI of the learners. This system includes, in particular, a many-staged method of early children's socialization in information and knowledge society and a method of developing creativity, figurative thinking, the skill of integrating information from numerous dispersed sources. Cognitonics enriched psychology by means of introducing the notion of Thought-Producing Self and of suggesting the most deep today (on the world level) model of developing conscious control in the childhood: control of thought, emotions, and actions. Art cognitonics - one of the most developed branches of cognitonics - makes a considerable contribution to cultural studies and theory of up-bringing. It develops a complex method of using the works of art for positive development of the child's, adolescent's, and university student's personality. Art cognitonics suggests a new paradigm of delivering lectures on art. #Program Committee Mario Allegra (Italy) Maria Bontila (Greece) Rosa Maria Bottino (Italy) Dumitru Dan Burdescu (Romania) Angela Christofidou (Cyprus) Paul Craig (PR China) Vasileios Dagdilelis (Greece) Vladimir Fomichov (Russia) Olga Fomichova (Russia) Monika Jadzinska (Poland) Thomas B. Kane (UK) Joonho Kim (Japan) Jana Krivec (Slovenia) Felipe Lara Rosano (Mexico) Marian Cristian Mihaescu (Romania) Ivan Pogarcic (Croatia) Jens Pohl (USA) Anastasia D. Vakaloudi (Greece) #Registration The participants of the conference register for the Multiconference "Information Society 2017” (IS 2017). The registration fee 100 EUR(for the students 50 EUR) covers the participation in all sessions of IS 2017, an USB with the Proceedings of IS 2017 (include an ISBN), coffee-breaks, and a Cocktail Party (see http://is.ijs.si/registration.php). #Important Dates Preliminary Registration Form (including an Abstract): July 5, 2017 Paper: July 10, 2017 Authors Notification: July 31, 2017 Final Paper: August 21, 2017 Registration for Information Society 2017: September 21, 2017. #Expected Topics (their list is not exhaustive) Track 1: Theoretical Foundations and Methods of Supporting Harmonic Development of the Personality and National Cultures in Smart Society - analysis of negative shifts in the modern information society and of the young generation’s response to these shifts, - cognitive foundations of education in the smart society; - cognitive approaches to preventing the misuse of information and communication technologies; - constructive theoretical foundations and practical experience of supporting and developing any of the following qualities and skills: emotional intelligence, emotional competence, communication culture, broad mental outlook, appreciation of the roots of national culture, the ability to appreciate the own thought and the thoughts of other people, positive attitude to life, self-determination, positive creativity, deep awareness of social agreements, social competence, social responsibility, feeling of citizen, compassion, the skill of integrating information from dispersed sources, figurative (metaphoric) reasoning, associative abilities, analogous thinking, literacy skills, aesthetic feeling (the feeling of beauty in all its manifestations), linguistic skills (mother tongue, second language, third language), rich language of every-day communication, scientific curiosity, serendipity; - the methods of compensating a shift from the eternal moral values to commercialized values caused by the rapid changes in the information society; - what to do with digital divide; - constructive approaches to education under the framework of positive psychology movement; - mindfulness-based education programs; - looking for the new ways of introducing the eternal values of the humanity and the changes in the perception of the world in the educational programs in the form of cross-disciplinary courses (a synergy of lessons of language, literature, poetry, history, art, music, classic dance). Track 2: The Methods and Tools of Computer Science and Web Science for Supporting Harmonic Development of the Personality The methods of designing and experience of using culture-oriented computer intelligent systems (local computer network based or Web-based) and online courses for supporting and developing any qualities and skills mentioned in the formulation of themes pertaining to Track 1. It is also possible to judge about the diapason of themes being appropriate for the conference: (a) on the Proceedings of the First, Second, Third, and Fourth International Conferences on Cognitonics (October 2009, 2011, 2013, and 2015) - the subconferences of International Multiconferences Information Society 2009, 2011, 2013, 2015, Jozef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia, see http://is.ijs.si/archive/proceedings/2009/ (Zbornik A/Proceedings A, Section Kognitonika/Cognitonics); http://is.ijs.si/archive/proceedings/2011/ (Zbornik A/Proceedings A, Section Kognitonika/Cognitonics); http://is.ijs.si/archive/proceedings/2013/(Zbornik A/Proceedings A, Section Kognitonika/Cognitonics); http://is.ijs.si/archive/proceedings/2015/ (Volume F: Cognitonics - Kognitonika); (b) on selected papers on Cognitonics on the Social Science Research Network (SSRN) at http://ssrn.com/author=1871348; (c) on the papers attached to the ResearchGate profile https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Vladimir_Fomichov/contributions with the title including at least one of the following words and expressions: cognitonics, creativity, child, children, children-oriented, young generation, socialization, dynamic conceptual mappings; (d) on the papers (d1) O. Fomichova and V. Fomichov, Computers and the Thought-Producing Self of the young child. British Journal of Educational Technology, 2000, Vol. 31, No. 3. pp. 213-220, (d2) V.A. Fomichov, Conscious Control during Childhood, Development of. In: James D. Wright (editor-in-chief), International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2nd edition, Oxford: Elsevier, 2015, Vol. 4, pp. 666–672; (e) on the publications in Informatica. An International Journal of Computing and Informatics (http://www.informatica.si, open access): – V. Fomichov (Ed.), Special Issue on Developing Creativity and Broad Mental Outlook, 2006, Vol. 30, No. 4, pp. 385-446 (the papers from Canada, Italy, Botswana, The Netherlands, Romania, Russia); – H. Yasuda (Japan) A Risk Management System Against Cyber Bullying in High School: Warning System with Leaflets and Emergency Staffs, 2012, Vol. 34, No. 2, pp. 255-259; – V. Fomichov and O. Fomichova (Eds.), Special Issue on the Human Being in the Digital World, 2012, Vol. 36, No. 2, pp. 119-166 (the papers from Croatia, Italy, Mexico, Poland, Romania, Russia); - P. Craig, N. Roa-Seiler, M. Martinez Diaz, F. Lara Rosano (PR China, Mexico, and UK), A Cognitonics Approach to Computer Supported Learning in the Mexican State of Oaxaca, 2014, Vol. 38, No. 3, pp. 263-271; - T. B. Kane (UK) Using Cognitive Tunnels in a New Approach to Building Social Elevators in the Information Society, 2014, Vol. 38, No. 3, pp. 263-271; - V. Fomichov, O. Fomichova (Russia) An Imperative of a Poorly Recognized Existential Risk: Early Socialization of Smart Young Generation in Information Society, 2014, Vol. 38, No. 1, pp. 59-70. #Preliminary Registration Form (includes an Abstract) Last name, First Name, Title (in particular, Ms., Mrs. or Mr.): Position, Institution: Postal Address: E-mail: Do you plan to submit a paper?: Yes/No Preliminary title or subject of the paper (if applicable) Short abstract - several phrases or more Do you plan to attend the Conference? Yes/No I need the following technical equipment: #Format and Way of Submitting a Preliminary Registration Form A plain text message via e-mail at EACH of the following addresses: vfomichov [AT] hse.ru; vfomichov [AT] gmail.com #Format and Way of Submitting Prelimainary and Final Papers A Word file (4 pages) with the extension .DOC (not .DOCX) in accordance with a pattern (see https://is.ijs.si/paper_submission.php) via e-mail at EACH of the following addresses: vfomichov [AT] hse.ru; vfomichov [AT] gmail.com |