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CrowdMM 2014 : International ACM Workshop on Crowdsourcing for Multimedia


When Nov 7, 2014 - Nov 7, 2014
Where Orlando, FL
Submission Deadline Jul 15, 2014
Notification Due Aug 1, 2014
Final Version Due Aug 15, 2014
Categories    multimedia   crowdsourcing   GWAP

Call For Papers

Call for Papers - CrowdMM 2014
International Workshop on Crowdsourcing for Multimedia
In conjuction with ACM MM 2014
November 7, 2014, Orlando, FL

The power of crowds – leveraging a large number of human contributors and the capabilities of human computation – has enormous potential to address key challenges in the area of multimedia research. Crowdsourcing offers a time- and resource-efficient method for collecting large volumes of input for system design and evaluation, making it possible to optimize multimedia systems more rapidly and to address human factors more effectively.

At present, crowdsourcing remains notoriously difficult to exploit effectively in multimedia settings: the challenge arises from the fact that a community of users or workers is a complex and dynamic system highly sensitive to changes in the form and the parameterization of their activities.

CrowdMM 2014 solicits novel contributions to multimedia research that make use of human intelligence, but also take advantage of human plurality. We encourage theoretical, experimental, and methodological developments advancing state-of-the-art knowledge of crowdsourcing techniques for multimedia research. We encourage submission that employ crowdsourcing, wisdom of the crowd, games with a purpose, or human computation in multimedia in the following areas of research (topics), and propose innovative solutions with respect to the following methodological challenges:


* Creation: content synthesis, authoring, editing, and collaboration, summarization and storytelling
* Evaluation of multimedia signal processing , analysis and retrieval algorithms, systems and applications
* Retrieval: analysis of user multimedia queries, evaluation of multimedia search algorithms and interactive multimedia retrieval
* Annotation: generating semantic annotations for multimedia content, collecting large-scale input on user affective reactions
* Human factors: multimedia systems usability appraisal, context detection, human perception, cognition and affect elicitation and understanding


* Test design: adaptation of classic psychometric and user testing methodologies to a crowdsourcing environment
* Robust data analysis methodologies, quality assurance and cheat detection, reproducibility of results
* Incentive design and deployment
* Tools and platforms providing enhanced support, programming & scripting languages
* Inherent biases, limitations and trade-offs of crowd-centered approaches
* Novel applications (e.g., human as an element in the loop of computation)


CrowdMM 2014 welcomes submissions of full papers, as well as short papers reporting work-in-progress. Full papers must be no longer than 6 pages (inclusive of all figures, references and appendices). Short papers are 2 pages, and will be presented as Posters in an interactive setting. All submissions must be written in English and must be formatted according to the ACM Proceedings style. They must contain no information identifying the author(s) or their organization(s). Reviews will be double-blind. Papers will be judged on their relevance, technical content and correctness, and the clarity of presentation of the research.


Accepted full and short papers will appear in the ACM Multimedia 2014 Workshop Proceedings and in the ACM Digital Library. Outstanding workshop papers will qualify for submission in extended form for a fast-track review at IEEE Transactions on Multimedia


Submission due: June 30, 2014
Author notification: August 1, 2014
Camera ready due: August 15, 2014
Workshop date: November 7, 2014

For questions or more information, please contact workshop co-chairs: Mathias Lux ( and Judith Redi (

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