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Tobacco Use Insights 2009 : Call for papers for Tobacco Use Insights from Dr Zubair Kabir


When N/A
Where N/A
Submission Deadline TBD
Categories    biology   health   biomedical

Call For Papers

Tobacco control research is at a crossroads. Increasingly, investigators, policy makers, and practitioners’ recognize the need for concerted efforts to reduce smoking around the globe and across the entire spectrum of smokers. If we are to curb the global tobacco pandemic, that is, avoid one-billion tobacco-related deaths in the 21st century then tobacco researchers and researchers from other fields must expand their focus and make a concerted effort to reduce tobacco use.

Unfortunately, 80% of the tobacco-related deaths would be from the lower-income countries by the turn of this century and yet there is limited tobacco control research from these high burden nations. The reasons for such a polarization might be complex and yet unclear. Context-specific and locally available evidence is a step closer to country-specific tobacco control policy-making.

I would, therefore, encourage researchers particularly from high-tobacco burden low income countries to submit high quality research on all aspects of tobacco control research, as tobacco control research is trans-disciplinary. We cannot but wait to see our young children and the future generations breathing a cleaner and a healthier air. For such a vision our mission is to contribute to evidence based tobacco control research before it is too late to reverse the current trend.

What is the advantage to you of publishing in Tobacco Use Insights?

* Full open access: everyone can read your article and you retain copyright in it
* Publishing decision within 2 weeks of submission
* Your paper will not be rejected due to lack of space and will be published immediately on acceptance
* Prompt and fair peer review from two expert peer reviewers
* Frequent updates on your paper’s status
* Friendly responsive staff

Aims and scope:

Tobacco Use Insights is a journal that publishes papers in covers smoking cessation and health impacts of tobacco use.

What a previous author said:

"The communication between your staff and me has been terrific. Whenever progress is made with the manuscript, I receive notice. Quite honestly, I've never had such complete communication with a journal."

In summary:

The advantages of a younger journal such as Tobacco Use Insights are numerous but in essence allow us a greater flexibility and responsiveness to authors and readers that older journals cannot match.

Timing and deadlines:

Submissions are welcomed at any time. Papers are published on an on-going basis.

Next steps:

** Click on the link for further information **

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