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Bone and Tissue Regeneration Insights 2009 : Call for papers for Bone and Tissue Regeneration Insights from Dr Kerstin Rolfe


When N/A
Where N/A
Submission Deadline TBD
Categories    health   medicine

Call For Papers

Dear Colleagues,

I am writing to invite you to submit a paper to Bone and Tissue Regeneration Insights. The journal covers all aspects of healing and regeneration and we welcome manuscripts from all disciplines. The journal will provide a rapid forum for manuscripts and allow easy and quick dissemination of clinical, scientific and review manuscripts.

What is the advantage to you of publishing in Bone and Tissue Regeneration Insights?

* Full open access: everyone can read your article and you retain copyright in it
* Publishing decision within 2 weeks of submission
* Your paper will not be rejected due to lack of space and will be published immediately on acceptance
* Prompt and fair peer review from two expert peer reviewers
* Frequent updates on your paper’s status
* Friendly responsive staff

Aims and scope:

Bone and Tissue Regeneration Insights is a journal that publishes papers in all aspects of healing and regeneration of tissue, tendon, bone and nerve.

What a previous author said:

"I would like to say that this is the most author-friendly editing process I have experienced in over 150 publications. Thank you most sincerely."

In summary:

The advantages of a younger journal such as Bone and Tissue Regeneration Insights are numerous but in essence allow us a greater flexibility and responsiveness to authors and readers that older journals cannot match.

Timing and deadlines:

Submissions are welcomed at any time. Papers are published on an on-going basis.

Next steps:

** Click on the link for further information **

Yours sincerely,

Dr Kerstin Rolfe
Bone and Tissue Regeneration Insights

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