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CMAMD 2009 : Clinical Medicine: Arthritis and Musculoskeletal Disorders


When N/A
Where N/A
Submission Deadline TBD
Categories    health   medicine   biology

Call For Papers

It is my pleasure to invite you to submit your recent work for publication in Clinical Medicine: Arthritis and Musculoskeletal Disorders—a new peer reviewed open access journal published by Libertas Academica.

The global aging of the population and the increasing prevalence of arthritis and other age related disorders has raised the need to develop a better understanding of the underlying mechanisms as well as a better diffusion of the scientific information not only to health professionals but also to the general population.

As an open access journal, Clinical Medicine: Arthritis and Musculoskeletal Disorders provide you the unique opportunity to share your results with all internet users without any restriction. This will provide your peers as well as the general community a direct access to your work. This will ensure a fast and efficient dissemination of your important scientific contributions to a large number of readers, from scientists to patients.

The focus of the journal not only covers fundamental and clinical aspects of arthritis in all populations, but also strategies to improve the care of patients. This offers a unique opportunity to report on translational approaches investigating from the molecular to the whole body level, mechanisms in the aging process or in the prevention of disorders associated with it.

Manuscripts submitted to the journal are reviewed through a fair and constructive process by leading experts in the field of arthritis and musculoskeletal disorders including autoimmune diseases (from molecular to whole body level). This guarantees high quality publications in a timely manner, more than 90% of the submitted manuscripts being reviewed within 2 weeks.

I invite you to take full advantage of this opportunity and to submit your work for publication in Clinical Medicine: Arthritis and Musculoskeletal Disorders.

What is the advantage to you of publishing in Clinical Medicine: Arthritis and Musculoskeletal Disorders?

Full open access: everyone can read your article and you retain copyright in it
Publishing decision within 2 weeks of submission
Your paper will not be rejected due to lack of space and will be published immediately on acceptance
Prompt and fair peer review from two expert peer reviewers
Frequent updates on your paper’s status
Friendly responsive staff

What a previous author said:

"I would like to say that this is the most author-friendly editing process I have experienced in over 150 publications. Thank you most sincerely."

In summary:

The advantages of a younger journal such as Clinical Medicine: Arthritis and Musculoskeletal Disorders are numerous but in essence allow us a greater flexibility and responsiveness to authors and readers that older journals cannot match.

Timing and deadlines:

Submissions are welcomed at any time. Papers are published on an on-going basis.

Next steps:

** Click on the link for further information **

Yours sincerely

Dr Tariq Haqqi

Clinical Medicine: Arthritis and Musculoskeletal Disorders

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