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CMC 2009 : Clinical Medicine: Cardiology


When N/A
Where N/A
Submission Deadline TBD
Categories    medical imaging   molecular biology   health

Call For Papers

I would like to encourage you to consider submitting your research papers to Clinical Medicine: Cardiology. We are interested in publishing papers covering a wide range of topics pertinent to clinical cardiology, ischemic, valvular, congenital and myocardial disease, arrhythmias and pacing, heart failure, imaging, epidemiology, decision analysis, primary and secondary prevention and associated translational research. We can assure you of a prompt, courteous and constructive review process and, as an on-line journal, a world-wide audience.

What is the advantage to you of publishing in Clinical Medicine: Cardiology?

Full open access: everyone can read your article and you retain copyright in it
Publishing decision within 2 weeks of submission
Your paper will not be rejected due to lack of space and will be published immediately on acceptance
Prompt and fair peer review from two expert peer reviewers
Frequent updates on your paper’s status
Friendly responsive staff

What a previous author said:

"The publishing process of this journal was a most pleasant and productive experience. I was particularly impressed with the regular updates of the progress of my submission. Many other journals receive a submission and authors may not hear anything for months. I appreciate your notification policy."

In summary:

The advantages of a younger journal such as Clinical Medicine: Cardiology are numerous but in essence allow us a greater flexibility and responsiveness to authors and readers that older journals cannot match.

Timing and deadlines:

Submissions are welcomed at any time. Papers are published on an on-going basis.

Next steps:

** Click on the link for further information **

Yours sincerely,

Dr Martin LeWinter

Clinical Medicine: Cardiology

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