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MTJ-PE 2014 : Special Issue of Machine Translation on MT Post-editing


When N/A
Where N/A
Abstract Registration Due Nov 18, 2013
Submission Deadline Jan 20, 2014
Notification Due Mar 14, 2014
Final Version Due Apr 28, 2014
Categories    machine translation   post-editing

Call For Papers


Special Issue on: Post-Editing of Machine Translation

As the adoption of Machine Translation within the global translation
industry increases, attention has turned to the task of
"post-editing", that is, the revision of raw machine translated
output. Until now, post-editing was a relatively uncommon task in the
domain of professional translation. The increasing demand for this
service has attracted attention from researchers in the related
disciplines of translation studies and machine translation, as well as
from users of machine translation. Consequently, the number of
research and practice-based papers on the topic has increased over the
last years, with attention been given to a number of important
questions, each touching on various aspects of the task, including
cognitive effort, productivity, quality, economics, user interfaces,
training and human-computer interaction. The time would appear ripe
for a Special Issue dedicated to research on this topic. We encourage
researchers that are engaged in innovative, robust and exciting
research on post-editing to submit extended papers. We envisage a
Special Issue that showcases the top current interdisciplinary
approaches to research on post-editing. We are seeking collaborations
that are experimentally sound, and show awareness of the current state
of MT technology with regard to post-editing and of existing industry
practices involving that technology.


In particular, we invite contributions that address the following
aspects of post-editing:

- Productivity
- Quality
- Active use of post-editing data
- UI design
- Automatic and computer-assisted post-editing
- Economics
- Ethical Issues (e.g. agency, IP ownership, etc.)
- Expertise and Training
- Language-specific issues

This special issue will provide a forum for this vital research to be
published and archived, so that it is accessible to the broad Machine
Translation, Human Translation and Computational Linguistics


Contributors must send a "Submission Intent" email message to
"" by no later than 18 November 2013.
Contributions will be accepted until 20 January 2014. Papers should be
submitted online directly on the MT journal's submission website:

indicating this special issue in ‘article type’

Authors should follow the "Instructions for Authors" available on the
MT Journal website at:

Submissions should normally be between 15 and 20 pages, but should not
exceed 20 pages (excluding references)


- Intention to submit email: 18 November 2013
- Paper submission deadline: 20 January 2014
- Acceptance notifications: 14 March 2014
- Final versions due: 28 April 2014
- Expected Publication: September 2014


- Please send any inquiries to "" or

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