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ciimca 2013 : Congreso Internacional de Ingeniería Mecánica y Ciencias de la Agricultura


When Oct 8, 2013 - Oct 11, 2013
Where Bucaramanga, Colombia
Submission Deadline Oct 1, 2013
Notification Due Oct 1, 2013
Final Version Due Oct 1, 2013
Categories    renewable energy   materials   agriculture   nanotechnology

Call For Papers

The International Congress of Mechanical Engineering and Agricultural Sciences, organized by the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, was created to meet needs of science and technology in the areas of mechanical engineering, agricultural sciences, for the region and for Colombia. It is a scientific event that brings together international and calls to the scientific community and the world of Colombia, is a multidisciplinary space where knowledge is shared border, to discuss issues of common concern, exchange ideas, are created and inter-personal relationships, networks are created always seeking the transfer and appropriation of knowledge by active players to finally apply it in our society.

Through interaction with national and global experts seeks to coordinate and integrate mechanical engineering and agricultural science to nanoscience and nanotechnology so as to achieve a synergy in these areas in order to achieve scientific and technological developments lead to the improvement and advancement of agriculture in our region and in Colombia for the ultimate benefit of the people who make our communities and regions.

-Renewable energy and its applications
-Physic and simulations of transformation process energy
-Energy quality
-Biomaterials and agriculture
-Materials for energy and enviromental applications
-Laws on renewable energy
-Nanoscience and nanotechnology in energy, engineering and agriculture
-Agricultural sciences and environment

-MSc. Rafael Parúas Cuza, EcoSol, Copextel S.A. División Guantánamo
-Dra. Sandra Rodil Posada, Instituto de Investigaciones en Materiales, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
-Dr. José Rivas, International Nanotechnology Laboratory, Spain
-LL.M. Fabian Carreño, Quality Energy Solutions (QES)
-MSc. Jorge Luis Díaz, Universidad de Pamplona.Colombia

We are so pleased to invite you to participate sending your works through of
The congress topics are related to Engineering, Agricultural Sciences, Renewable Energies and Materials Science.

We will be hoping you in Bucaramanga; “la Ciudad Bonita” Colombia.

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