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WECS 2013 : Workshop on Design and Implementation of Emerging Computing Systems


When Sep 28, 2013 - Sep 29, 2013
Where Dhaka, Bangladesh
Submission Deadline Sep 15, 2013
Notification Due Sep 20, 2013
Final Version Due Sep 21, 2013
Categories    computer science   cloud computing   mobile computing   social computing

Call For Papers

The workshop solicits original and previously unpublished short papers (4-6 pages) on recent advancements in computing systems. It covers topics from a wide range of computing systems: from mobile computing to cloud management, web technologies to robotics, network systems to social networks. The workshop encourages submission of problems with real implementation and experiments with special emphasis on building a working prototype and some form of comparative evaluation. In general, the workshop remains open to any contribution to recent advancements in computing systems.

Topics include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Hot topics in computing: cloud computing, mobile computing, etc.
- Embedded systems, multimedia systems, distributed systems
- Networked systems, wireless and sensor networks
- Experimentation, measurements, user experiences, simulation and analysis of existing computing systems
- Human-centric computation and communication
- Social computing and social networks
- Information technology for emerging/developing regions
- Innovative computer and mobile phone applications

Additionally, the workshop will host a demo session in order to showcase live demonstrations ("demo"s) in the areas of emerging computing systems. Demos are intended to exhibit live operation of a working system or a small prototype of it. Innovative applications on desktop, web or mobile platforms, system prototypes around devices and interesting hardware projects can be qualified for demos. Other ideas and implementations are also welcome.

We encourage both the academia and the industry to submit demos. Demo submission requires a short description (1-2 pages) highlighting the key aspects of the system, its usage and how the demo will be exhibited, especially if it solicits any interaction from the users or requires any special setup. The title of the submission should be prefixed with "DEMO:". A video of the demo, no longer than 2-minutes, can optionally be included in the submission.

Any device, tool or service (e.g. laptops, mobile phones, internet connection, etc.) needed to perform the demo should be brought and setup by the participants. The workshop venue will provide a table space and standard AC power.

There will be a "Best Paper" and a "Best Demo" award. The winner(s) will be announced and awarded on the final day of the workshop.

Related Resources

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