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MSEC 2014 : ASME Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference - Symposium on Mechatronics for Advanced Manufacturing


When Jun 9, 2014 - Jun 13, 2014
Where University of Michigan
Submission Deadline Nov 3, 2013
Final Version Due Mar 9, 2014
Categories    mechatronics   advanced manufacturing   controls   precision design

Call For Papers

— Call for Papers —
A Symposium on
Mechatronics for Advanced Manufacturing
Sponsored by the ASME Manufacturing Engineering Division’s
Manufacturing Equipment and Manufacturing Systems Technical Committees
2014 ASME Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference (MSEC)*
June 9-13, 2014
University of Michigan

Technical Focus
Technological and economic needs have driven the development of advanced mechatronic capabilities for manufacturing systems and have resulted in more precise, efficient and capable manufacturing at an ever more affordable price point. This symposium will provide an opportunity to present theoretical and applied contributions to mechatronics in advanced manufacturing machines, systems and processes. While this symposium is focused on mechatronics for manufacturing, advancements in mechatronics in related applications ranging from the automotive industry to the medical field are welcome. As such, topics of interest for the symposium include but are not limited to:

• Design, modeling and control of precision mechatronic systems.
• Intelligent/smart manufacturing systems.
• Advances in sensors, actuators, processors and positioning systems.
• Innovative use of mechatronics in manufacturing applications.
• Emerging applications for manufacturing systems with advanced mechatronics: additive manufacturing, semi-conductor processing, medical device manufacturing, nanomanufacturing.

Paper Submission
Authors are encouraged to submit an abstract and full manuscript for review by November 03, 2013 via the conference website. Final revised manuscripts must be submitted by March 09, 2014. The copyright transfer form must be filled out and the presenting author must pre-register by April 06, 2014 or the paper will be withdrawn from the conference. Authors may also consult for updates. No papers are to be submitted to the organizers; submissions will only be accepted via the conference website at

Dr. Kira Barton, Univ. of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA, Ph: 734-764-7293,
Dr. Chinedum Okwudire, Univ. of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA, Ph: 734-647-1531,
Dr. Stephen Ludwick, Aerotech, Inc., Pittsburgh, PA, Ph: 412-967-6845,

*The conference is collocated with the 42nd North American Manufacturing Research Conference (NAMRC42) of SME and the International Conference on Materials and Processing (ICM&P 2014) of JSME which will have a separate call-for-papers.

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