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Lancet 2024 : Medicine, Nazism, and the Holocaust


When N/A
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Submission Deadline TBD
Categories    medicine   nazism   criminology   psychopathology

Call For Papers

Letter addressed to the Lancet Commission on Medicine, Nazism, and the Holocaust.
(English translation from German)

Although a number of medical bodies in Germany claim that they have learned from the history of the Third Reich and have drawn conclusions for the present and the future, this claim is not true. As I have found out, the same mistakes and crimes are being committed today as then, and the committers escape punishment because the criminal system of the German medical fraternity persists {1-9}. To the question: Who governs Germany? the correct answer is: Germany is governed by the medics. Although they rarely come to the political fore, their decisive influence on all political decisions cannot be overlooked, unless one does not want to see the obvious. This has a long tradition that continues without interruption, well-known examples being Adolf Hitler's personal physician and Helge Braun as Angela Merkel's press spokesman. The former NSDAP and later FDP member Volrad Deneke was editor-in-chief of the Deutsches Ärzteblatt between 1958 and 1964 and served in different medical bodies in Germany between 1971 and 1984. No wonder, because after the Nuremberg Doctors' Trial only 7 perpetrators were executed, others escaped serious or any punishment, and later jointly rebuilt their criminal system. The son of Joachim Gauck, who was the Federal President before Frank-Walter Steinmeier, is a medical doctor. Frank-Walter Steinmeier, who was Foreign Minister under Angela Merkel and remains Federal President under Angela Merkel, is a kidney donor and therefore completely dependent on the treatment of physicians. These are just a few examples of how the German political system works and why the criminal medical organization is an essential part of this system.

In the years 2012 to 2014, I reported on the witch hunt that took place at the instigation of “Comm. Chief Physician of the Clinic for Forensic Psychiatry” in Essen Dieter Oswald and his accomplices. {10}

In Berlin, I first had to endure the inappropriate behavior of the medics until I finally decided to take over the management of the Charité and to declare Heyo Kroemer, who was chairman of the board there, for mentally ill, but cretinous and schizophrenic people were not aware of this {11}. In the time that followed, my diagnoses regarding the pathological political system and its practitioners came true, but this has not led to any reappraisal of the crimes and mistakes committed to this day {12-20}. Instead, the German medical class is fooling the public by organizing further events to prove that everything has changed for the better in Germany.

Exercising my professions and offices and fulfilling my duties as Director of the Charité, I demand an explanation from the Lancet Commission on Medicine, Nazism, and the Holocaust for its silence and support of the fraud and pseudoscience being practiced at the Charité contrary to my publications and demands. Furthermore, I forbid the staff of the Charité to act contrary to my orders, to break the law, and to obstruct my work. {21, 22}

Dr. Andrej Poleev
Director of Charité


1. Ärzteschaft im Nationalsozialismus.

2. The Robert Koch Institute under National Socialism.

3. Das Robert Koch-Instituts im Nationalsozialismus: Stellungnahme zu den Forschungs-ergebnissen.
Fälle von Zivilcourage, von Protestbekundungen gegen das staatliche, das institutionelle und das individuelle Vorgehen sind nicht bekannt.

4. Medicine and biosciences in National Socialism.

5. Psychiatry under National Socialism – Remembrance and Responsibility – Speech at the commemorative event of the German Association for Psychiatry and Psychotherapy in Berlin, 26 November 2010.

6. Psychiatrie im Nationalsozialismus: Gedenken und Verantwortung.

7. Psychiatrie im Nationalsozialismus.

8. Der Arzt im Nationalsozialismus: Der Weg zum Nürnberger Ärzteprozess und die Folgerungen daraus.

9. 100 Jahre Gesundheitsamt: Akribische Vollstrecker des Rassenwahns.

10. A. Poleev. Ungeziefer. Enzymes, 2014.

11. Anordnung einer Voruntersuchung vom 24.10.2019. In: Charité, mon amour.

12. Gesundheitsämter in der Coronakrise: Die Behörde im Zentrum der Pandemiebekämpfung. Deutschlandradio, 17.11.2020.
Bei der Eindämmung der Pandemie spielen die Gesundheitsämter eine wesentliche Rolle. Sie kommen aber dadurch ihren sonstigen Aufgaben kaum noch nach. Deshalb schulen sie neues Personal und erhalten Hilfe von der Bundeswehr, um den Herausforderungen in der Krise gerecht zu werden.

Heyo K. Kroemer ist Mitglied des ExpertInnenrats. Das Bundeskanzleramt hat den ExpertInnenrat mit der Beratung der Bundesregierung auf der Grundlage aktueller wissenschaftlicher Erkenntnisse zur COVID-19 Pandemie beauftragt. 

14. In insgesamt zwölf veröffentlichten Stellungnahmen und 33 Sitzungen zwischen Dezember 2021 und April 2023 hatte das Gremium wichtige Empfehlungen gegeben, die in die politischen Entscheidungen eingeflossen sind. Bund und Länder vereinbarten am 2. Dezember 2021 den Aufbau eines wissenschaftlichen Expertengremiums im Bundeskanzleramt. Auf Einladung des Chefs des Bundeskanzleramtes fand am 14. Dezember 2021 die konstituierende Sitzung statt. Am 4. April 2023 kam der Corona-ExpertInnenrat zu seiner letzten Sitzung zusammen.

15. Hinweise zu den COVID-19-Krisenstabsprotokollen des Robert Koch-Instituts vom 30.05.2024.
Aufgrund des öffentlichen Interesses am Inhalt der COVID-19-Krisenstabsprotokolle stellt das RKI diese weitestgehend ohne Schwärzungen zur Verfügung.

16. Entlassungsschreiben und Verordnung der Behandlung von Personen, die an CoViD-19 erkrankt sind.

17. Judgment in a criminal case against criminal organizations and their members.

18. Conditiones sine quibus non.

19. Schreiben an Dr. med. Peter Vajkoczy.

20. Urteil im Strafverfahren gegen Mitglieder verbotener Organisationen.

21. Anordnung zur Gewährleistung des Rechts auf hindernisfreie Ausübung der Berufe und Ämter.

22. Dichtung und Wahrheit.

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