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OJCMT 2014 : Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies


When N/A
Where N/A
Submission Deadline TBD
Categories    communication   media   design   technology

Call For Papers


Welcome to the Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies (OJCMT). We are happy to inform you that we are launching the first issue of the forth volume January 2014.

OJCMT thanks all the authors who contributed to this journal by submitting their precious work to be published, and also thanks to all reviewers who helped and spared their valuable time in reviewing and evaluating the manuscripts.

OJCMT also would like to thank the readers and the visitors who visited this journal, hoping that their visit was valuable for them by viewing and reading the work of their colleagues in the fields of Communication and Media Studies, Communication in Education, Visual Communication and Design, Integrated Marketing Communication and Advertising.

We are proud to announce that the Second International Conference on Communication, Media, Technology and Design ICCMTD ( was held successfully in Famagusta/North Cyprus in May 2013 with 130 contributors from 30 different countries. The forthcoming conference will be held in Istanbul, Turkey between 24 - 26 April 2014. ICCMTD is powered by Anadolu University - Institute of Communication Sciences - Turkey, OJCMT journal (, Contemporary Educational Technology - CEDTECH (, , and Online Journal of Art and Design - OJAD (

The themes of the ICCMTD are aiming for the exchange of information on research, development, and applications are categorized under as Communication Technologies, Communication Barriers, Visual Arts and Visual Communication Design, Marketing Communication and Social Media.

We invite you to attend the "International Conference of Communication, Media, Technology and Design" and submit full paper proposals, and participate in panel discussions. All presentation proposals are reviewed and selected by a respected Editorial Board Members of the ICCMTD.

Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies (OJCMT) is an open access journal published four times a year in January, April, July and October. Each article undergoes a double-blind review from an internationally recognized pool of reviewers.

OJCMT aims at being one of the prominent journals in the fields mentioned above. We welcome articles of theory, research and review nature and will be very happy to receive your manuscripts in this ambitious journal.

Best Wishes
Agah Gumus, Ph.D. - Editor-in-Chief
Fahme Dabaj, Ph.D. - Editor

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