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IFIP DSS 2014 : IFIP-SIGDSS Conference on Decision Support Systems 2.0


When Jun 2, 2014 - Jun 5, 2014
Where Paris, France
Abstract Registration Due Apr 15, 2014
Submission Deadline Dec 15, 2013
Notification Due Feb 15, 2014
Final Version Due Mar 15, 2014
Categories    decision support   knowledge management   business intelligence   analytics

Call For Papers

Technology advances over the last several years has given rise to a variety of new and advanced methods that can assist decision making. DSS are smarter with the introduction of artificial intelligence, more timely with real-time data, more accurate with data mining and ‘big data’ methods, more strategic with data from many sources, more precise with the availability of functional data, more inclusive with social networking, and media rich with video and audio. The 2014 Open Conference of the IFIP WG 8.3 and SIGDSS will focus on the theme "DSS 2.0 – Supporting decision making with new technologies"

Suggested research topics include theoretical, empirical, design science research, and case-based approaches in:

1. Decision Support Systems
2. Decision models in the real-world
3. Executive Information Systems
4. Negotiation Support Systems
5. Knowledge Management
6. Knowledge and resource discovery
7. Business intelligence and data warehousing
8. Group Support Systems
9. Collaborative decision making
10. Analytics and ‘big data’
11. Rich language for decision support
12. Multimedia tools for DSS
13. Web 2.0 Systems in decision support
14. Context-based technologies for decision making
15. Intelligent systems and technologies in decision support
16. Organizational decision support
17. Research methods in DSS 2.0
18. Mobile DSS
19. Competing on analytics
20. Social media analytics
21. Other related fields

The IFIP TC8/Working Group 8.3 conferences present the latest innovations and achievements of academic communities on Decision Support Systems (DSS). These advances include theory, systems, computer aided methods, algorithms, techniques, applications and technologies supporting decision making. The Special Interest Group on Decision Support, Knowledge and Data Management Systems (SIGDSS) is organized under the auspices of the Association for Information Systems (AIS) since 2001. SIGDSS is a forum for members to discuss, develop, and promote issues, ideas and research related to using Information Technologies to support decision-makers and improve decision processes in businesses and organizations. SIGDSS organizes international conferences under the International Conference on DSS (ICDSS).

Paper submissions from academics and practitioners are invited, and showcases of real case studies will be especially welcomed. Papers will be peer-reviewed. The acceptance of the contributions will be based on the originality of the work, the relevance for the conference theme and its overall quality.

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