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SWPACA 2014 : Digital Humanties Area, Southwest Popular/American Culture Association


When Feb 19, 2014 - Feb 22, 2014
Where Albuquerque, NM
Submission Deadline TBD
Categories    popular culture   digital humanities

Call For Papers

Please join us for the 35th annual conference of the Southwest Popular/American Culture Association, February 19-22, 2014, at the Hyatt Regency Hotel and Conference Center in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Digital Humanities is a new subject area in the newly renamed SWPACA conference, and the theme for 2014 is “Popular and American Culture: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow.”

Digital Humanities (DH) is “a nexus of fields within which scholars use computing technologies to investigate the kinds of questions that are traditional to the humanities, or . . . ask traditional kinds of humanities-oriented questions about computing technologies.” (Kathleen Fitzpatrick, “The Humanities, Done Digitally,” The DH area is seeking papers (approximately 15 minutes in length) that explore the practical, pedagogical, and theoretical issues stemming from the use of Web technologies and other computing techniques and applications to enhance the study of the humanities, particularly popular and American culture studies. What are some of the exciting DH projects being developed today, and how are they redefining the way we approach popular culture? How is DH changing popular culture studies in (and outside of) academe? Possible topics include, but are not limited to:

*Digital applications in popular culture studies and related fields such as literature, history, music, art, graphic or digital arts, film, television, Web and other new media, gaming, etc.
*Creation and curation of digital resources for popular culture
*DH and the Southwest
*Interactive technology, images, audio/video, text and non-text based DH projects
*DH and smartphones, GIS, 3-D printing, cloud computing, and other emerging technologies
*DH and the future of the humanities or popular culture studies
*DH and the classroom/academic curriculum
*DH and scholarly communication
*DH and libraries, archives, museums, schools, or public history institutions

Other topics are welcomed! Please share this CFP with any who might be interested.


Provide a 200-word abstract to the SWPACA submission database: Proposals are due by November 1, 2013. All proposals must be submitted through the database.


Presenters are urged to consider applying for one of the SWPACA monetary awards for best graduate student papers in a variety of categories. Details are at Also, please consider expanding your papers to send to the SWPACA’s new peer-reviewed, quarterly journal, Dialogue ( Its inaugural issue will debut at the 2014 conference.


David D. Oberhelman

Professor, Humanities-Social Sciences Division

Oklahoma State University Library

Stillwater, OK 74078

Ph: 405-744-9773 | Email:

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