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INCNS 2012 : Indian Neuroinformatics and Computational Neuroscience Summer Course


When Jun 4, 2012 - Jun 12, 2012
Where Bangalore
Submission Deadline May 15, 2012
Notification Due May 30, 2012
Categories    neuroinformatics   computational   neuroscience

Call For Papers

Broadly speaking, Neuroinformatics contains anything that lies within the intersection of Neuroscience and Computer Science. It encompasses quantitative modeling in Neuroscience as well as Neural Information (Signal) Processing. The latter is to explore what is happening and the former is in the quest to know why is that happening.

The Indian Neuroinformatics and Computational Neuroscience Summer Course is an annual initiative of the Indian National Node of Neuroinformatics to motivate and train future generation of researchers in Neuroinformatics, particularly for the Indian research establishments, where interdisciplinary neuroscience research is making a steady inroad. We derive our inspiration from two such great initiatives at the international scale namely, Okinawa Computational Neuroscience Course and Cold Spring Harbor Asia Computational and Cognitive Neurobiology Summer School .

This year the focus of the summer course will be on neural signal processing particularly, EEG, LFP, MRI, fMRI and transcrenial stimulation. And this year Indian Statistical Institute, Bangalore Center will host the event.

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