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JOYCE: THE RECIRCULATION OF REALIS 2014 : JAMES JOYCE: THE RECIRCULATION OF REALISM The VII James Joyce Italian Foundation Graduate Conference in Rome


When Feb 6, 2014 - Feb 7, 2014
Where Rome - Italy
Submission Deadline Nov 25, 2014
Notification Due Dec 15, 2014
Categories    joyce   modernism   ireland   realism

Call For Papers


The VII James Joyce Italian Foundation Graduate Conference in Rome

Conference Date: February 6-7, 2014

The James Joyce Italian Foundation invites proposals for the seventh annual graduate conference in Rome. It will be hosted by the Department of Foreign Languages, Literatures and Cultures at the Università Roma Tre, to celebrate Joyce’s 132th birthday. Confirmed speakers are: Fritz Senn, Anne Fogarty.
The conference will be the occasion to present unpublished papers and works in progress on Joyce to an international audience. Young and emerging scholars dealing with any aspect of Joyce studies are invited to send proposals for a 20-minute contribution on current trends in Joyce and modernist scholarship.
The general theme of the conference is “James Joyce: the Recirculation of Realism”. Related topics include, but are not limited to:
- Joyce and the realist tradition
- Joyce and the surrealist tradition
- Joyce’s internal monologue as a way to escape/achieve realism in fiction
- Modernism, Joyce and the (im)possibility of realism
- The “air of reality” in Joyce
- The disappearance of the author in Joyce
- Comparative approaches to realism in Joyce
- Joyce, Drama and the dramatic novel
- Challenging realism: Rabelais, Sterne, Joyce…
- Joyce, pulps and modernism

Selected papers will be published. Please send abstracts, 250-500 words in length, along with a short bio-sketch to
The Conference includes a Joycean birthday party.
Deadline for proposals: November 15, 2013.
Accepted speakers will be notified by December 15, 2013.

On arrival, participants will be expected to sign up for membership of The James Joyce Italian Foundation (Students: 25 Euro; Faculty: 35 Euro).
Please visit the James Joyce Italian Foundation website for information about the “Giorgio Melchiori Grants”:

Related Resources

OP 2025   Realism, Psychoanalysis, and Critique in a Metamodern Key
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