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ADBIS 2014 : Advances in Databases and Information SystemsConference Series : Advances in Databases and Information Systems | |||||||||||||
Link: http://adbis2014.finki.ukim.mk/ | |||||||||||||
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Call For Papers | |||||||||||||
* the constitutional name is Republic of Macedonia, while the country was admitted in the UN under the provisional reference of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia
-------------------------------------------------------------- ADBIS 2014: DEADLINE EXTENDED New Deadline: April 14, 2014. (apologies for cross-postings) Due to multiple request, the deadline for submitting research papers to ADBIS 2014 is extended by two weeks. Given the timeline associated with reviews and publishers limits for the proceedings, please note that no further extensions are possible and April 14 is a firm deadline. -------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------- Aims and Scope -------------------------------------------------------------- ADBIS conferences aim to provide an international forum where researchers and practitioners in the fields of databases and information system, database theory, development of advanced DBMS technologies, and their advanced applications can interact, exchange ideas and disseminate their accomplishments and visions. Inaugurated 18 years ago, ADBIS originally included communities from Central and Eastern Europe, however, throughout its lifetime it has spread and grown to include participants from many other countries throughout the world. The ADBIS 2014 conference will be held in Ohrid ("European Jerusalem"), September 7-10, 2014 and will continue the tradition by fostering the growth and providing a platform for researchers and practitioners to present their result. Organizer of the conference is FCSE – Faculty of Computer Sciences and Engineering (http://www.finki.ukim.mk) at Ss Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje and ICT-ACT association (http://www.ict-act.org). The conference will consist of regular sessions with technical contributions (regular papers, short papers) reviewed and selected by an international program committee, as well as of invited talks and tutorials presented by leading scientists. The official language of the conference will be English. Doctoral consortium and different workshops will be held in line with the main conference. -------------------------------------------------------------- Invited Speakers -------------------------------------------------------------- - Maarten de Rijke, Professor of Information Processing and Internet in the Informatics Institute, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands, http://staff.science.uva.nl/~mdr/Bio/ - Joao Gama, Professor at the Laboratory of Artificial Intelligence and Decision Support INESC-Porto, University of Porto, Portugal, http://www.liaad.up.pt/area/jgama/ - Minos Garofalakis, Professor of Computer Science at the School of ECE Technical University of Crete in Chania, Greece / Director of the Software Technology and Network Applications Laboratory (SoftNet), http://www.ece.tuc.gr/4559.html -------------------------------------------------------------- Important Dates -------------------------------------------------------------- Main conference ---------------------- Paper submissions: Mar. 30, 2014 (extended to Apr. 14) Acceptance: May 18, 2014 (extended to May 25) Camera-ready: Jun. 15, 2014 Conference: Sep. 7-10, 2014 Workshop, panels, tutorials --------------------------------- Proposal submissions: Jan. 26, 2014 Acceptance: Jan. 31, 2014 Camera-ready: Jun. 15, 2014 Workshops: Sep. 07, 2014 PhD Consortium --------------------- Application submiss.: Mar. 30, 2014 Acceptance: May 18, 2014 Camera-ready: Jun. 15, 2014 PhD Consortium: Sep. 07, 2014 -------------------------------------------------------------- Accepted Workshops -------------------------------------------------------------- Workshop on GPUs In Databases GID 2014 -------------------------------------------------------------- Chairs: Witold Andrzejewski, Assistant profesor at the Poznan University of Technology in Poznan. Krzysztof Kaczmarski, Assistant professor at the Faculty of Mathematics and Information Science, Warsaw University of Technology. Tobias Lauer, Senior researcher at Jedox, Head of research at Jedox. Official Workshop Web-site: http://gid.us.to/ Technologies for Quality Management in Challenging Applications ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chairs: Isabelle Comyn-Wattiau, Full professor at the Department of Computer Science at the Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers (Paris, France) and at ESSEC Business School. Ajantha Dahanayake (BSc, MSc, PhD), Full professor at Prince Sultan University in Saudi Arabia, and formality of the Technical University of Delft, the Netherlands and Georgia College and State University in USA. Bernhard Thalheim (MSc, PhD, DSc), Full professor at Christian Albrechts University in Germany. He additionally holds the Kolmogorov chair at Lomonossow University Moscow. Official Workshop Web-site: https://www.is.informatik.uni-kiel.de/events/tqmca_2014/ Third International Workshop on Ontologies Meet Advanced Information Systems (OAIS) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chairs: Ladjel Bellatreche - Professor at the Laboratory of Computer Science and Automatic Control for Systems -National Engineering School for Mechanics and Aerotechnics (LIAS/ENSMA), Poitiers, France Yamine Aït Ameur - Professor at the Institut de Recherche en Informatique de Toulouse – Toulouse Institute of Computer Science Research - IRIT-ENSEIHT - Toulouse, France Officail Workshop Web-site: http://oais2014.ensma.fr/ Organizational Support ---------------------------- Workshops will benefit from the ADBIS 2014 organizational infrastructure and receive support regarding registration, badges, lunches, coffee breaks, and publication of the workshop proceedings. Publication ---------------------------- A volume with all workshop papers will be published by Springer in the Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing series (http://www.springer.com/series/11156), for distribution among workshop participants during the workshop. Camera-ready papers are to be prepared in LaTeX (detailed instructions will be provided). The authors of the best workshop papers will be invited to prepare extended versions of their papers after the workshop. Following an additional round of reviews, the extended papers will appear in a special issue of an international journal. -------------------------------------------------------------- Call for Papers -------------------------------------------------------------- We invite original papers describing results that broadly belong to both theory and practice of databases and information systems. The list of specific topics of interest follows, with a note that it is not exhaustive and we welcome novel results addressing topics not included in the list. - Management of large scale data systems - Benchmarking and experimental methodology - Big data storage, replication and consistency - Business process modelling and optimization - Complex event processing and messaging analytics - Database monitoring and (self-)tuning - Data curation, annotation, and provenance - Clouds and virtualization - Data processing in social networks - Data quality and data cleansing - Data models and query languages - Data structures and indexing - Data mining and knowledge discovery - Data warehousing - Information extraction and integration - Databases on emerging hardware architectures - Scalable data analysis - Meta-data management - Data privacy and security - Query and data-flow processing and optimization - Complex queries and key search - Probabilistic databases, uncertainty and approximate querying - Service based information systems - Sensor databases and mobile data management - Social networks and streaming data analysis - User Interfaces and data visualization - Data intensive sciences and databases - Theoretical foundations of databases - Multi-media, temporal and spatial databases - Information extraction from unstructured databases - Web, XML and semi-structured databases - Map/reduce architectures and multi-data model support - Innovative platforms and novel applications - Information system architecture, networking, integrity and security - Compliant and rule based IS - Context-aware and adaptive IS -------------------------------------------------------------- Paper Publishing and Awards -------------------------------------------------------------- ADBIS research papers will be published in a Springer-Verlag LNCS volume (www.springer.com/lncs). Papers must not exceed 14 pages in the LNCS format (Latex or MS Word styles for camera-ready papers). The program committee may decide to accept a submission as a short paper if it reports interesting results but does not justify publication of a full paper. It will be published by Springer-Verlag in the Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing series (www.springer.com/series/11156 ) and must not exceed 12 pages. The authors of the best papers will be invited to prepare extended versions of their papers after the conference. The extended papers, after an additional round of review, will appear in an international journal. The best paper authored solely by students will receive an award. Submissions should indicate their eligibility for the award. -------------------------------------------------------------- Submission Guidelines -------------------------------------------------------------- Each submitted work must adhere to the following rules regarding the respective paper: - Papers must be written in English - Papers must contain previously unpublished work and not be submitted concurrently or under review for another conference. - Each paper must be submitted as a single PDF document, via the Easychair system: https://www.easychair.org/account/signin.cgi?conf=adbis2014 - For every accepted paper to be included in the Proceedings at least one of the co-authors should be registered for the conference. - Accepted papers must be presented at the conference by one of the authors. -------------------------------------------------------------- ADBIS Steering Committee -------------------------------------------------------------- Chair of the Steering Committee ------------------------------- Leonid Kalinichenko, Russian Academy of Science, Russia Members of the Steering Committee: ---------------------------------- - Paolo Atzeni, Italy - Andras Benczur, Hungary - Albertas Caplinskas, Lithuania - Barbara Catania, Italy - Johann Eder, Austria - Theo Haerder, Germany - Marite Kirikova, Latvia - Hele-Mai Haav, Estonia - Mirjana Ivanovic, Serbia - Hannu Jaakkola, Finland - Mikhail Kogalovsky, Russia - Yannis Manolopoulos, Greece - Rainer Manthey, Germany - Manuk Manukyan, Armenia - Joris Mihaeli, Israel - Tadeusz Morzy, Poland - Pavol Navrat, Slovakia - Boris Novikov, Russia - Mykola Nikitchenko, Ukraine - Jaroslav Pokornyv, Czech Republic - Boris Rachev, Bulgaria - Bernhard Thalheim, Germany - Gottfried Vossen, Germany - Tatjana Welzer, Slovenia - Viacheslav Wolfengagen, Russia - Robert Wrembler, Poland - Ester Zumpano, Italy -------------------------------------------------------------- ADBIS 2014 Conference Organization -------------------------------------------------------------- General Chair ------------- - Margita Kon-Popovska, Ss Cyril and Methodious University in Skopje Program Committee Co-Chairs --------------------------- - Yannis Manolopoulos, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki - Goce Trajcevski, Northwestern University IL Workshop Co-Chairs ------------------ - Themis Palpanas, University of Trento - Athena Vakali, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki PhD Consortium Co-Chairs ------------------------ - Nick Bassiliades, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki - Mirjana Ivanovic, University of Novi Sad Publicity Chair -------------- - Goran Velinov, Ss Cyril and Methodious University in Skopje Website Chair ------------- - Vangel Ajanovski, Ss Cyril and Methodious University in Skopje Local Organizing Committee Chair -------------------------------- - Goran Velinov, Ss Cyril and Methodious University in Skopje Local Organizing Committee -------------------------- - Anastas Mishev, Ss Cyril and Methodious University in Skopje - Boro Jakimovski, Ss Cyril and Methodious University in Skopje - Ivan Chorbev, Ss Cyril and Methodious University in Skopje -------------------------------------------------------------- Program Committee -------------------------------------------------------------- Marko Bajec – University of Ljubljana, Slovenia Mirta Baranovic – University of Zagreb, Croatia Guntis Barzdins – University of Latvia, Latvia Andreas Behrend – University of Bonn, Germany Ladjel Bellatreche – Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Mécanique et d'Aérotechnique, France Maria Bielikova – Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Slovakia Iovka Boneva – University Lille 1, France Omar Boucelma – LSIS, Aix-Marseille University, France Stephane Bressan – National University of Singapore, Singapore Davide Buscaldi – LIPN, Université Paris 13, France Albertas Caplinskas – Vilnius University, Lithuania Barbara Catania – University of Genoa, Italy Wojciech Cellary – Poznan University of Economics, Poland Richard Chbeir – Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour, France Ricardo Ciferri – Federal University of São Carlos, Brasil Alfredo Cuzzocrea University of Calabria, Italy Danco Davcev – University Ss Cyril and Methodius in Skopje, Macedonia Vladimir Dimitrov - Sofia University, Bulgaria Eduard Dragut – Temple University, USA Schahram Dustdar – Vienna University of Technology, Austria Todd Eavis – Concordia University, Canada Johann Eder – University of Klagenfurt, Austria Tobias Emrich – Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Germany Markus Endres, University of Augsburg, Germany Victor Felea – University Alexandru Ioan Cusa, Iasi, Romania Pedro Furtado – University of Coimbra, Portugal Zdravko Galic – University of Zagreb, Croatia Johann Gamper – Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy Minos Garofalakis – Technical University of Crete, Greece Jan Genci – Technical University of Kosice, Slovakia Matteo Golfarelli – University of Bologna, Italy Katarina Grigorova - Ruse University, Bulgaria Giovanna Guerrini – University of Genova, Italy Ralf Hartmut Güting – Fernuniversität Hagen, Germany Theo Härder – Tehnical University Kaiserslautern, Germany Stephen Hegner – Umeå University, Sweden Ali Inan – Isik University, Turkey Mirjana Ivanovic – University of Novi Sad, Serbia Hannu Jaakkola – Tampere University of Technology, Finland Manfred Jeusfeld – Tilburg University, Netherlands Slobodan Kalajdziski – University Ss Cyril and Methodius in Skopje, Macedonia Leonid Kalinichenko – Russian Academy of Science, Russia Kalinka Kaloyanova – Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski, Bulgaria Mehmed Kantardzic – University of Louisville, USA Marite Kirikova – Riga Technical University, Latvia Harald Kosch – University of Passau, Germany Georgia Koutrika – HP Labs, USA Andrea Kulakov – University Ss Cyril and Methodius in Skopje, Macedonia Lars Kulik – The University of Melbourne, Australia Wolfgang Lehner – Technical University Dresden, Germany Jan Lindström – IBM Helsinki, Finland Ivan Luković – University of Novi Sad, Serbia Federica Mandreoli – University of Modena, Italy Rainer Manthey – University of Bonn, Germany Manuk Manukyan – Yerevan State University, Armenia Giansalvatore Mecca – University Basilicata, Italy Marco Mesiti – University of Milano, Italy Irena Mlynkova – Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic Alexandros Nanopoulos – University of Hildesheim, Germany Pavol Navrat – Slovak University of Technology, Slovakia Daniel C. Neagu – University of Bradford, UK Anisoara Nica – SAP, Canada Nikolaj Nikitchenko – Kiev State University, Ukraine Kjetil Nørvåg – Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norwey Boris Novikov – University of St.Petersburg, Russia Gultekin Ozsoyoglu – Case Western Reserve University, USA Euthimios Panagos – Applied Communication Sciences, USA Gordana Pavlovic-Lazetic – University of Belgrade, Serbia Torben Bach Pedersen – Aalborg University, Denmark Dana Petcu – West University of Timisoara, Romania Evaggelia Pitoura – University of Ioannina, Greece Elisa Quintarelli – Politecnico di Milano, Italy Paolo Rosso – Polytechnic University Valencia, Spain Viera Rozinajova – Slovak University of Technology, Slovakia Ismael Sanz – Universitat Jaume I, Spain Klaus-Dieter Schewe – Software Competence Center, Austria Marc H. Scholl – University of Konstanz, Germany Holger Schwarz – Universität Stuttgart, Germany Timos Sellis – National Technical University of Athen, Greece Predrag Stanisic, University of Montenegro, Montenegro Bela Stantic – Griffith University, Australia Yannis Stavrakas – Institute for the Management of Information Systems, Greece Krzysztof Stencel – University of Warsaw, Poland Leonid Stoimenov – University of Nis, Serbia Panagiotis Symeonidis – Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece Amirreza Tahamtan – Vienna University of Technology, Austria Ernest Teniente – Unversitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain Manolis Terrovitis – Institute for the Management of Information Systems, Greece Bernhard Thalheim – Christian Albrechts University Kiel, Germany A Min Tjoa – Vienna University of Technology, Austria Ismail Toroslu – Middle East Technical University, Turkey Juan Trujillo – University of Alicante, Spain Traian Marius Truta – Northern Kentucky University, USA Ozgur Ulusoy – Bilkent University, Turkey Maurice Van Keulen – University of Twente, Netherlands Olegas Vasilecas – Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Lithuania Panos Vassiliadis – University of Ioannina, Greece Jari Veijalainen – University of Jyvaskyla, Finland Goran Velinov – University Ss Cyril and Methodius in Skopje, Macedonia Gottfried Vossen – Universität Münster, Germany Boris Vrdoljak – University of Zagreb, Croatia Fan Wang – Microsoft, USA Gerhard Weikum – Max Planck Institute for Informatics, Germany Tatjana Welzer – University of Maribor, Slovenia Marek Wojciechowski – Poznan University of Technology, Poland Robert Wrembel – Poznan Unviersity of Technology, Poland Vladimir Zadorozhny – University of Pittsburgh, USA Jaroslav Zendulka – Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic Andreas Zuefle – Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Germany -------------------------------------------------------------- Conference Location -------------------------------------------------------------- Ohrid (http://www.ohrid.com.mk) is a city in the Republic of Macedonia. Ohrid is the largest city on Lake Ohrid at an elevation of 690m above the sea level. It is located 160 km south-west from the capital Skopje, and 80 km from the border with Greece. Nowadays predominantly tourist and congress town, Ohrid is sometimes called Jerusalem of the Balkans and has a notable legend for once having had 365 churches, one for each day of the year. The city is rich in picturesque houses and monuments. In 1979 and 1980, Ohrid and Lake Ohrid were accepted as Cultural and Natural World Heritage Sites by UNESCO (http://whc.unesco.org/en/list/99). In fact, Ohrid is one of only 28 sites that are part of UNESCO's World Heritage that are both Cultural and Natural sites. The shores of Lake Ohrid have been inhabited since prehistoric times (archaeologists speak of settlements from the Neolithic period – 6.000 years B.C. the Iron age (golden funeral masks from VI and V century BC). From the Hellenic and Roman period the settlement is known as Lychnidos (meaning Light giving), located along the Via Egnatia, at the times during which, among others, the amphitheatre in II century BC was built. Archaeological excavations demonstrate rather early adoption of Christianity, and establishment of Lychnidos Episcopacy, while medieval period adds signs of numerous Balkan rulers. Lake Ohrid, with mountain peaks of over 2.000m besides it's shores, is one of Europe's deepest and oldest lakes, preserving a unique aquatic ecosystem that is of worldwide importance, with more than 200 endemic species. -------------------------------------------------------------- Conference Venue -------------------------------------------------------------- The conference will take place at the Metropol Lake Resort, a complex of three hotels (Metropol, Bellevue and Tourist) located 6 km south of Ohrid. Pre-reservation of rooms for ADBIS 2014 participants were made at the resort. Besides access to the beach, the Metropol resort hotels offer many possibilities for outdoor activites (swimming pools, tennis and basketball courts). More information: http://www.metropol-ohrid.com.mk |