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GCE 2011 : Gateway Computing Environments 2011


Conference Series : Grid Computing Environments
When Nov 18, 2011 - Nov 18, 2011
Where Seattle, WA
Submission Deadline Oct 3, 2011
Notification Due Oct 10, 2011
Categories    grid   portal   gateway   cloud

Call For Papers

The Gateway Computing Environment (GCE) workshop series has been held at Supercomputing every year since 2005. The workshop format is a series of presentations of peer-reviewed papers. Accepted papers are published in ACM or IEEE digital proceedings through the Supercomputing workshop organizers

Gateway Computing Environments 2011

Scientific portals and gateways are important components of many large-scale Grid and Cloud computing projects. They are characterized by Web-based environments, which include, but are not limited to, user interfaces and services that securely access Grid and Cloud resources, data, applications, and collaboration environments for communities of scientists. As a result, the scientific portals and gateways provide both a user-centric and a community-centric view (with social networking) of the cyber infrastructure.

Web technologies evolve rapidly, and trends such as Cloud Computing are changing the way many scientific users expect to interact with cyberinfrastructure resources. Academic clouds are being created using open source cloud technologies. Important Web standards such as Open Social, OpenID, and OAuth are changing the way Web portals are built, shared, and secured. It is the goal of the GCE workshop series to provide a venue for researchers to present pioneering, peer-reviewed work on the above discussed and other related topics to the international science gateway community.

Topics of interest include the following:
* Integration of Web 2.0 technologies with science gateways;
* Gateways to cloud computing services;
* Applications of virtual world technologies to science and education gateways;
* Social networks for scientific communities;
* Grid portals and gateways deployments, including User Portals, Application Portals, Science
Gateways, Education Portals, User interface/usability studies;
* Design and architecture of Grid portals, portal containers, and gateways;
* Tools and frameworks that make developing Grid Portals and gateways easier;
* Portal security models and solutions;
* Middleware solutions in support of scientific portals and Gateways including Web Services, workflow
and mashup composers and engines, and similar capabilities;
* Non-browser gateways: desktops and mobile computing gateways; and
* Summary and survey papers.

Please see paper submission instructions at

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