The papers will be based on all the topics related to the objectives of the conference. The technical papers will be accepted up to 8 pages on A-4 size sheets, this should include figures and tables. All the authors are requested to send one original hard copy plus a soft copy on CD to Conference Secretariat address; also send one copy by E-mail (electronically) to The paper format will be used as described by the IEEE journal.
The poster presentations will be displayed on 1-meter wide and 1.2 meter high board, provided by the organizers. All the technical papers will be reviewed by the subject experts and these will be published in the conference proceedings book. The oral paper presentations will be made on power point slides, shown by multi-media projector, in the designated halls. The posters as well as oral presentations will be treated equally in the proceedings book. The Keynote talks will be given 40- minutes duration with 10-minutes for question answers (total 50-minutes), where as oral/contributory papers will be given 15-minutes for presentation and 5-minutes for question answers (total 20-minutes).