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Journal of Cognitive Science 2015 : Journal of Cognitive Science Calls for Papers for March issue in vol.16


When N/A
Where N/A
Submission Deadline TBD
Categories    psychology   linguistics   perception   mind

Call For Papers

Journal of Cognitive Science

The Journal of Cognitive Science (JCS) is now accepting manuscripts for consideration in its next issue. JCS is published quarterly as the official journal of the International Association for Cognitive Science (IACS) by the Institute for Cognitive Science at Seoul National University, located in Seoul, Korea. It aims to publish research articles of the highest quality and significance within the disciplines that form cognitive science, including philosophy, psychology, linguistics, artificial intelligence, neuroscience, anthropology, and education. Submissions that cross traditional disciplinary boundaries in either themes or methods are especially encouraged. Contributions may be in the form of articles, brief reports, reviews, or squibs. JCS showcases quality research, encourages the exchange of ideas, and illustrates the interdisciplinary work that is the hallmark of cognitive science. Authors who have published in JCS include Paul Smolensky, Alfonso Caramazza, Dedre Gentner, Paul Thagard, and Jean-Pierre Descles, James Pustejovsky, Nicholas Asher.

- Published Papers in JCS

JCS occasionally publishes special issues. For example, in 2003, two successive special issues of Computationalism and Mechanism in Psychological Explanation 1 and 2 were published in vol.14. Also, three consecutive Special Issues on David Chalmers' Computational Theory of Mind and his detailed reply to other scholars, and a special issue of ‘Cognitive Science’ were included in JCS in 2011 and 2012. [l1]

Here are a few sample papers already published in JCS:

David Chalmers, ‘A Computational Foundation for the Study of Cognition’
James Pustejovsky, ‘Type Theory and Lexical Decomposition’
Nicholas Asher, ‘A Type Composition Logic for Generative Lexicon’
Dedre Gentner, Arthur B. Markman, ‘Defining Structural Similarity’

All JCS papers are available online free at our homepage.

- Editorial

Editor-in-Chief: Chungmin Lee, Seoul National University
Editors: Gualtiero Piccinini, University of Missouri - St. Louis / Naomi Miyake, University of Tokyo / Koiti Hasida, University of Tokyo, Japan / Kyoung-Min Lee, Seoul National University

All of the Editorial Board and Advisory Editorial Board are listed on

- Submission Guidelines

All submissions must be in English, written clearly and in sufficient detail so that referees can assess the merits of the work. Papers should be no longer than 10,000 words and should conform to the JCS style guide (See For Authors on: Papers will be received anytime and processed as promptly as possible. Authors should send an electronic copy (both MS Word and PDF files) of their submission to and

- Bibliographic Information

ISSN: 1598-2327
Year 2000: Volume 1, Issues 1 & 2 (Combined) / Year 2001-2010: Volumes 2- 11 (2 Issues each)
Year 2011-2014: Volume 12-Volume 14, Issue 1, 2, 3, & 4 –quarterly
Year 2014: Volume 15, Issue 1 & 2

Questions? Please direct any questions, comments or concerns to For more detailed information about JCS, please visit our homepage:

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