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ICIFS 2014 : 18th International Conference on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets


When May 10, 2014 - May 11, 2014
Where Sofia. Bulgaria
Submission Deadline Mar 30, 2014
Notification Due Apr 20, 2014
Final Version Due May 10, 2014
Categories    fuzzy sets   fuzzy logic   computational intelligence   decision making

Call For Papers

Aim and Scope
The aim of the annual International Conference on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets (ICIFS) is to gather specialists interested in intuitionistic fuzziness, decision making under uncertainty, and other related topics, and to give them floor for discussions on both the theoretical and practical aspects of this relatively new area of fuzzy set theory.

Since 2013, ICIFS is an EUSFLAT endorsed event. In 2014, the 18th edition of the Conference will be held.

Important dates
* 10 January – 10 March 2014: Submission of the draft versions of papers
* 1 February – 30 March 2014: Notification of acceptance
* 10 April 2014: Submission of the final versions and the registration form
* 10–11 May 2014: Conference registration in the Institute of Biophysics and Biomedical Engineering, BAS

Instructions to Authors
Papers should not exceed 8 A4 pages, one column, single spaced, font Times New Roman, 12 pt. On the first page the authors should indicate their addresses and e-mails; an abstract, keywords and 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification code(s). Papers are peer reviewed by three independent reviewers.

All papers accepted for presentation at ICIFS'2014 will be included in a special issue of the journal "Notes on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets" (ISSN: 1310-4926) and available online (

E-mail for paper submissions and conference correspondence:

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