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ICIFS 2016 : International Conference on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets


When Sep 2, 2016 - Sep 3, 2016
Where Sofia, Bulgaria
Submission Deadline Jun 1, 2016
Notification Due Jun 20, 2016
Final Version Due Jul 10, 2016
Categories    intuitionisticfuzzy sets   fuzzy sets   soft computing   uncertainty

Call For Papers

The aim of the annual International Conference on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets (ICIFS) is to gather specialists interested in intuitionistic fuzziness, decision making under uncertainty, and other related topics, and to give them floor for discussions on both the theoretical and practical aspects of this relatively new area of fuzzy set theory.

ICIFS'2016 is an EUSFLAT-endorsed event.

All papers accepted for presentation at ICIFS'2016 will be peer reviewed by three independent reviewers and included in a special issue of the journal "Notes on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets" (Print ISSN: 1310-4926, Online ISSN: 2367-8283) and available online (

E-mail for paper submissions and conference correspondence:

Conference Chairs
* Janusz Kacprzyk (Poland)
* Krassimir Atanassov (Bulgaria)
* Sotir Sotirov (Bulgaria)

Program Committee
* Adrian Ban (Romania)
* Anthony Shannon (Australia)
* Beloslav Riečan (Slovakia)
* Etienne Kerre (Belgium)
* Eulalia Szmidt (Poland)
* Evdokia Sotirova (Bulgaria)
* Gökhan Çuvalcioğlu (Turkey)
* Guy De Tre (Belgium)
* Humberto Bustince (Spain)
* Ketty Peeva (Bulgaria)
* Lyubka Doukovska (Bulgaria)
* Maciej Krawczak (Poland)
* Oscar Castillo (Mexico)
* Panagiotis Chountas (United Kingdom)
* Patricia Melin (Mexico)
* Pedro Melo-Pinto (Portugal)
* Ranjit Biswas (India)
* Said Melliani (Morocco)
* Sławomir Zadrożny (Poland)
* Taekyun Kim (South Korea)
* Vladik Kreinovich (USA)

Related Resources

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