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IMEKO TC4 2014 : 20th IMEKO TC-4 International Symposium on 'Research on Electrical and Electronic Measurement for the Economic Upturn'


When Sep 15, 2014 - Sep 17, 2014
Where Benevento, Italy
Submission Deadline Mar 7, 2014
Notification Due Apr 30, 2014
Final Version Due Jul 15, 2014
Categories    IMEKO   measurement   electical   electronic

Call For Papers

Please join us for the 2014 IMEKO TC-4 Symposium to be held at the University of Sannio.

The aim of the Symposium is to bring together scientist, researchers, developers specialists and users in the area of measurement of electrical quantities to jointly present their efforts in developing this technical field and to discuss the challenge of electrical and electronic metrology.

The Symposium will be held in Benevento, Italy, September, 15-17, 2014. Since June 25th 2011, Benevento, due to the Santa Sofia's Church with its Cloister and the buffer zone hosting several other outstanding samples of Longobard legacy, has been part of UNESCO World Heritage Sites as "Longobards in Italy. Places of the power (568-774 A.D.)".

The proposals of special sessions on specific topics are most welcome.

- Direct Current and Low Frequency Measurements
- Radio Frequency, Microwave and Millimeter Wave Measurements
- Calibration, Metrology and Standards
- Traceability and Instrumentational Compatibility of Measurements
- Advanced Instrumentation Based on Micro and Nano Technologies
- Signal and Image Processing
- Waveform Analysis and Measurement
- Software Measurements
- Biomedical Measurements
- EMC Measurements
- Power and Energy Measurements
- Power Quality Assessment
- Time and Frequency Measurements
- Automated Test and Measurement Systems
- Measuements and Instrumentation for Industrial Applications
- Sensors and Transducers
- Measurements for System Identification and Control
- Virtual Measurement Systems
- Sensors Interoperability
- Wireless sensors networks

Special Sessions are already organized on;
- Coherence between beam physics requirements, magnet design, and measurements
- Instrumentation and measurements for road safety
- Forensic Data Acquisition Analysis and Measurement

Prospective authors must electronically submit an extended abstract (4 pages, including figures) by March 03, 2014 . All papers will receive multiple peer reviews; authors will receive timely notification of paper acceptance. If accepted, final papers must be no more than 6 pages and will be submitted electronically.
Papers must be presented at the conference -- either orally or as a poster -- by an author, will appear in the final conference proceedings and will be indexed in the Scopus citation index.
Formats and complete submission instructions are available at

- Submission of a paper abstract by March 7th, 2014.
- Notification about paper acceptance by April 30th, 2014.
- Submission of camera ready paper by July 15th, 2014.

More information may be retrieved by visiting the IMEKO TC-4 2014 website:

- Honorary Chair: Pasquale Daponte (Italy)
- General Co-Chairs: Pasquale Arpaia (Italy), Sergio Rapuano (Italy)
- Technical Co-Chairs: Luca De Vito (Italy)

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