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INC 2014 : 10th International Networking Conference


Conference Series : International Conference on Networked Computing
When Jul 8, 2014 - Jul 10, 2014
Where Plymouth, United Kingdom
Submission Deadline Jan 31, 2014
Notification Due Feb 21, 2014
Final Version Due Mar 28, 2014
Categories    computer networks   mobile networking   security and privacy

Call For Papers

The INC2014 conference is the tenth in a series of events that was established in 1998, and will bring together leading figures from academia and industry to present and discuss the latest advances in networking technologies.


Suggested topics for papers include, but are not limited to, the following:
•Network architectures: vehicular networking, delay-tolerant networking, virtual networking, peer to peer networks, green networking, network testbeds
•Traffic engineering and network management: routing, network and service management, traffic engineering, congestion control
•Application performance: Quality of Service, Quality of Experience, multimedia over IP, real time applications, distributed systems and middleware
•Security and privacy: Authentication and access control, network security, intrusion detection and response
•Mobile networking and services: 4G/LTN technologies, Mobile commerce, Service discovery and management, telecommunication services
•Wireless networking: Wireless local & personal area networks, Wireless multimedia systems, Wireless protocols, Wireless sensor networks

The conference welcomes papers addressing technological and/or application level issues, as well as those illustrating the impact of networking in a societal context (e.g. commerce, communication, education etc.).


Authors are invited to submit their full papers by 31st January 2014. The total length of the paper should not exceed 10 pages for full papers (in the prescribed template), including all figures, tables and references. A comprehensive set of instructions for preparing camera ready papers can be found here, an example paper (annotated with style names) is available here and the Word format template is also available. Please refer to this before submission. Authors are strongly encouraged to use the Word template for ease of paper formatting.

All papers should be submitted via the conference paper submission web site (you only need to create an account if you have not used the conference-papers website before). Please use Microsoft Word or Rich Text Format (we regret that we can not accept PDF or PS file formats for publication).

NB if your paper file size is larger than 500KB please compress the paper prior to submission.

Submitted papers must be original work, previously unpublished and must not be under consideration/review for any other publication.


All papers will be reviewed by at least two members of the International Programme Committee. Accepted papers will receive detailed instructions to authors on the finalisation of the camera-ready copy, along with any comments forwarded by the reviewers. Authors may also be invited to revise their papers for poster presentation, at the discretion of the International Programme Committee.

All accepted papers will be published in the Conference Proceedings, in both print and digital formats. Papers will be submitted for inclusion in DBLP, Google Books/Scholar and made available in our Open Access publication library for maximum availability to researchers.

Each accepted paper must be accompanied by at least one registration, multiple papers from the same author(s) are subject to individual registration fees.


31 January 2014 Deadline for submission of papers
21 February 2014 Notification of paper acceptance
28 March 2014 Deadline for camera-ready paper submission
28 March 2014 Deadline for author registration

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