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TGC@ICONIP 2016 : Special session on Topological & Graph-based Clustering,


When Oct 16, 2016 - Oct 21, 2016
Where Kyoto, Japan
Submission Deadline May 15, 2016
Notification Due Jul 7, 2016
Final Version Due Jul 22, 2016
Categories    data mining   comptes networks   machine learning   social networks

Call For Papers

CFP ICONIP2016 Special Session on : Topological & Graph-based Clustering.
16-21 octobre 2016, Kyoto, Japan
Submission deadline : 15 May 2016

One of the main tasks in the field of high dimensional data analysis and exploration is to compute simplified, usually visual, views of processed data. Clustering and projection are two main methods classically applied to achieve this kind of tasks. Clustering algorithms produce a grouping of data according to a given criterion such that similar data items are grouped together. Projection methods represent data points in a low-dimensional space such that clusters and the metric relationships of the data items are preserved as faithfully as possible. However, in the actual era of big data and connected devices, a lot of datasets are shaped in form of large-scale dynamic attributed graphs. Data is often distributed and is gathered from different heterogeneous sources. New approaches for data clustering and projection are then required. This constitutes the core topic of this special session. We mainly focus on three related issues:
Topological data clustering approaches.
Graph clustering methods, including community detection in multi relational (or multiplex) and attributed networks.
Collaborative and ensemble approaches that allow combining different learning paradigms.
The special session will include a tutorial given by the organizers, that covers latest algorithmic advances in above mentionned three areas. Submissions related to these topics are welcomed. A non-exhaustive list of relevent topics include:
Topological clustering methods.
Consensus clustering.
Cluster ensemble selection approaches.
Collaborative clustering.
Diversity analysis.
Efficient and incremental similarity graph construction.
Community detection in complex networks.
Multiplex network analysis and mining.
Attributed network analysis and mining.
Applications: recommender systems, data summarization, data visualization.

Important dates

Submission deadline 15 May 2016
Notification date 07 July 2016
Camera Ready 22 July 2016

Submission instructions
Authors are invited to submit papers describing original work that has not been published neither under evaluation in other venues. Submission should be simple-blinded (i.e. include authors names and affiliations). Papers should be at most 8-pages long, respecting the LNCS style. Up to two additional pages will be permitted for a charge of USD 50 per additional page payable at the registration time. Each paper will be evaluated by three reviewers. Accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings (published as LNSC volume, Springer), provided that at least one author is registered by the early registration date.

Submissions should be made thought the conference submission site ( Please make sure to select the appropriate special session when submitting.

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