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CIWSN 2015 : Call for Book Chapters: Computational Intelligence in Wireless Sensor Networks (Springer)


When Mar 24, 2015 - Dec 15, 2015
Where N/A
Abstract Registration Due May 31, 2015
Submission Deadline Sep 15, 2015
Notification Due Nov 15, 2015
Final Version Due Jan 15, 2016
Categories    artificial intelligence   wireless sensor networks   computational intelligence   applications

Call For Papers

Call for Book Chapters
"Computational Intelligence in Wireless Sensor Networks: Recent Advances and Future Challenges"

To be published in: Springer's Studies in Computational Intelligence Series


Abstract submission deadline: May 31, 2015 (extended and firm)

Volume Co-Editors:
Ajith Abraham, Machine Intelligence Research Labs, USA
Rafael Falcon, Larus Technologies Corporation, Canada
Mario Koeppen, Kyuhsu Institute of Technology, Japan


Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are rapidly becoming a technological cornerstone for modern societies. These collections of autonomous and distributed nodes capable of sensing, communication, processing and self-organization continue to earn notoriety as they serve as the backbone of emerging intelligent information-driven paradigms such as the Internet of Things, Vehicular Clouds or Cyber-Physical Systems. Over the last two decades, we have witnessed a plethora of developments related to theoretical innovations in WSNs that touch all aspects of their multi-layered design, from more robust physical layers to more efficient energy conservation and self-organization protocols. The number of published studies reporting successful WSN applications to dissimilar domains is frankly overwhelming.

On the other hand, Computational Intelligence (CI) remains a vibrant research area due to its appealing ability to deal with imprecise, vague and uncertain knowledge. Many of these uncertainty-aware modeling frameworks borrow inspiration from natural and biological processes and have proved quite effective in modeling and solving entangled real-world phenomena. Mimicking intelligent systems such as ant colonies, bird flocks, immune cells, brain structure and other highly parallel and distributed processes has contributed to alleviate the burden imposed by the computational intractability of NP-hard optimization problems and, more recently, the emergence of Big Data.

CI techniques have much to offer to WSN in terms of the realization of periodical yet vital tasks such as sensor node localization, data collection and aggregation, energy-aware routing/broadcasting and sensor relocation. The interplay between both fields of study is growing in vitality and spills over other closely related areas such as bio-inspired computing, robotics and vehicular systems, thus crystalizing the foundations of an exciting multidisciplinary arena. Bio-inspired networking is a recently coined term that attempts to capture the impact of a large subset of CI methodologies to interconnected systems.

While computational intelligence applied to intelligent networking systems in general has received due attention in recently published volumes, we sense there is a need for gathering a representative set of the most recent undertakings having to do with novel theoretical developments and applications of Computational Intelligence to Wireless Sensor Networks. First-class contributions addressing research challenges in these areas and their CI-based solutions (i.e., fuzzy systems, neural networks, evolutionary computation, swarm intelligence, cognitive maps, rough sets, granular computing, and other emerging learning or optimization techniques) are solicited.

Submission Topics

Papers should present original work validated via analysis, simulation or experimentation, including but not limited to the following topics:

CI Algorithms and Architectures for WSNs
- Energy-Efficient Routing
- Broadcast, Multicast, Anycast
- Fault Diagnosis
- Data Collection
- Data Aggregation
- Self-Organization
- Risk Management
- Multi-Sensor Data Fusion
- Body Area Networks
- Situational Assessment
- Human-Machine Interfaces
- Trust and Reputation
- Centralized, Distributed and Localized Algorithms
- Decision Support
- Security and Authentication
- Anomaly Detection
- Data Mining and Machine Learning

CI-based Modeling and Simulation of Wireless Sensor and Actuator Networks (WSANs)
- Energy Harvesting with Actuators
- Target Tracking with Actuators
- Sensor Deployment with Actuators
- Sensor Localization with Actuators
- Sensor Relocation with Actuators
- Relay Node Placement with Actuators
- Risk Management in WSANs
- Mobile Sink Data Collection
- Sensor-Actor Coordination
- Robot-Assisted Sensor Networks
- Resource Allocation in WSANs
- Topology Control in WSANs

CI Solutions in WSN Applications
- Critical Infrastructure Protection
- Maritime Surveillance
- Smart Homes
- Structural Health Monitoring
- Agricultural Monitoring
- Defense and Public Security
- Counterterrorism and Counterinsurgency
- Suspect Behavior Profiling
- Automated Handling of Dangerous Situations or People
- Stationary or Mobile Object Detection, Recognition and Classification
- Intrusion Detection Systems
- Cyber-Security
- Air, Maritime and Land Surveillance
- Network Security
- Biometrics Security

Submission Guidelines

Authors should only submit original work that has neither appeared elsewhere for publication, nor is presently under review for another refereed publication. Extensions of previously published works are welcome as long as the contributions made in the extended version are significant to warrant publication.

Please follow the instructions posted on

Important Dates:

* Abstract submission deadline: May 31, 2015 (extended and firm)

* Abstract notification deadline: June 15, 2015

* Full chapter submission deadline: September 15, 2015

* Full chapter notification deadline: November 15, 2015

* Camera-ready submission deadline: January 15, 2016

* Volume publication expected: Late April, 2016

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