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IWIC 2009 2009 : The Second International Workshop on Intercultural Collaboration


When Feb 20, 2009 - Feb 21, 2009
Where Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA USA
Submission Deadline Jun 30, 2008
Notification Due Sep 30, 2008
Categories    intercultural collaboration   HCI   CSCW   multilingual

Call For Papers


ACM International Workshop on Intercultural Collaboration (IWIC 2009)

February 20-21, 2009
Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA USA

Program Co-Chairs
Pamela Hinds (Stanford University, USA)
Susan R. Fussell (Carnegie Mellon University, USA)
Toru Ishida (Kyoto University, Japan)

The main theme of this workshop is intercultural collaboration, from both
technical and socio-cultural perspectives. Topics will include collaboration
support (such as natural language processing, Web, and Internet technologies),
social scientific analyses of intercultural interaction, and case studies that
increase mutual understanding in our multicultural world. Submissions will be
considered for archival papers, to be published in the ACM Digital Library, and
non-archival panels, demonstrations, and posters.

Papers are solicited on any aspect of intercultural communication and
collaboration. Papers can describe studies of intercultural communication and
collaboration or present new technologies to assess and support intercultural
interaction. Examples of suitable paper topics include:

- Field studies of intercultural collaboration in global organizations or in
local communities
- Laboratory studies of intercultural collaboration
- Survey studies of cultural differences in collaboration styles
- Case studies of intercultural collaboration using information technologies
- Cultural responses to cross-cultural interaction
- Computer supported intercultural collaboration
- Ubiquitous/ambient technologies for intercultural collaboration
- Internet and web technologies for intercultural collaboration
- Frameworks for manual or automatic measurement of properties of intercultural
- Multilingual communication technologies
- Interoperability of language resources
- Usability of language resources for intercultural collaboration
- New methods or measures for the study of intercultural collaboration

All papers are expected to be suitable for a multidisciplinary audience and
focus on issues of intercultural collaboration. Long papers will be published
in the ACM Digital Library ( Full papers should
be no longer than 10 pages. Papers should be formatted according to the ACM
SIGCHI template and submitted in PDF format. Details on the submission
procedure will be provided in the near future. Please see the SIGCHI author
instruction page ( for more information and
downloadable templates.

All full papers will be evaluated using a double-blind review process. Authors
should omit their names and affiliations from the title area of the paper and
conceal references to their own prior work by referring to it in the third
person (e.g., authors should say .In an earlier study, Jones and Smith found ..
instead of .In an earlier study, we found ..). Papers that have not been
appropriately anonymized will be returned without review.

Panels, Demonstrations and Posters
IWIC will also feature three categories of nonarchival submissions: Panels,
demonstrations and posters. Submissions for these categories should be no
longer than 3 pages in length using the ACM template (see above).

Unlike paper submissions, panels, demonstrations and posters will not be blind
reviewed. Authors should include their complete names and contact information
at the top of their submitted PDF file.

Panels: Individuals may submit proposals for panels of three or four talks on a
related theme in intercultural communication. Panel submissions will not be
archival, so panelists may discuss previously published work. Submissions
should provide each panelist's background and contact information, as well as a
brief statement of his or her position on the panel theme.

Demonstrations: Individuals may submit proposals to present demonstrations of
new technologies for intercultural communication. Demonstration proposals
should clearly describe the motivation for the tool and how it will be
demonstrated at the workshop. Demonstration descriptions will not be archival;
therefore, demonstrations can include both previously published work and work
that is not yet ready for publication.

Posters: Individuals may submit proposals to present informal posters during
the workshop. Poster descriptions will not be archival; therefore, posters can
describe both previously published work and work that is not yet ready for

Review Process:
Submitted papers, panels, and demonstrations will be reviewed by a panel of
distinguished researchers in the area of intercultural communication and

Important Dates:
Deadline for papers, panels, posters and demonstrations: June 30th, 2008
Author notification: September 30th, 2008
Deadline for camera ready papers: November 30th, 2008

For further information, please contact iwic2009[at]

Related Resources

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