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SF 2014 : 12th Security Forum 2014 Hagenberg im Mühlkreis, Austria


When Apr 9, 2014 - Apr 10, 2014
Where Hagenberg im Mühlkreis, Austria
Abstract Registration Due Jan 5, 2014
Submission Deadline Jan 17, 2014
Notification Due Jan 24, 2014
Final Version Due Feb 28, 2014
Categories    ICT   industry applications   ecommerce   research

Call For Papers

Security Forum Call for Papers
Call for papers for lectures at the ICT security conference of the Hagenberger Kreis zur
Förderung der digitalen Sicherheit, on April 09 and 10, 2014 at the University of
Applied Sciences Upper Austria, Campus Hagenberg.

The Conference
The Security Forum is Hagenberg’s annual ICT security conference which addresses
current issues in this domain. Traditionally, it takes place on two days in April. On
both days, visitors are offered technical as well as management-oriented lectures by
representatives of business, research and public service. On the second day there will be some presentations from the security labs of our department.
We are happy to welcome over 200 participants from Austria, Germany and Switzerland
working in various companies and areas of expertise surrounding ICT security every year
as well as international guests and lecturers.
The first Security Forum in 2003 proved to be a great success for our sponsors, our
partners and the Hagenberger Kreis. Over the years the Security Forum has distinguis-hed itself through the presence of renowned lecturers, domestic as well as from abroad.
We are proud to have welcomed Prof. Louis Marinos (ENISA), Prof. Reinhard Posch
(CIO of the Federal Government of Austria), Prof. Edward Humphreys (“father” of the
ISO/IEC 27000 family), Prof. Vincent Rijmen (co-inventor of the AES encryption algo-rithm), Andreas Lamm, MBA (Kaspersky Labs Europe), Shimon Gruper (Aladdin) and
Oberst dG Walter Unger (BMLVS Abwehramt) among many others. The host provides
refreshments and catering on both days. The first day ends with a pleasant get-together,
which will be accompanied by a band.

The Host
Founded in March 2002 by students of the “Computer and Media Security” degree
programme at the University of Applied Sciences in Hagenberg, the Hagenberger Kreis is
dedicated to fostering Hagenberg as a place of study and leisure, and, more importantly,
to furthering ICT security awareness in public.

Topics of the Security Forum
In view of the upcoming Security Forum 2014 we are looking for interesting topics
related to ICT security. The lectures will be held on both days . We are looking for
contributions for lectures on the following topics (including, but not limited to):

Technical / scientific sector
 Network security
 Mobile security
Critical infrastuctures
 Intrusion detection and prevention, anomaly detection
 Cybercrime and information warfare
 Malware analysis and detection
 Penetration testing, vulnerability analysis
 Cloud computing and SOA security
 Forensics and diagnostics
 . . .

Management / legal sector
 Information security management
 Secure software development lifecycle
 Business continuity and risk management
 Vulnerability and patch management
 Security awareness and social engineering
 Rights management and copyright data protection and privacy
 Corporate and industrial espionage
 . . .

Naturally, we are glad to accommodate ideas and topics not listed here. The issues listed above are intended to provide an insight into the favored subject area of the Security Forum.

Notes on submission
The Hagenberger Kreis invites you to participate in the Security Forum with a technical,
scientific, legal or management-oriented lecture. Please consider the following guidelines:
Every lecture is allotted 50 minutes including possible questions from the auditorium.
In addition we require:
 Contact information (email, telephone, address)
 Short curriculum vitae and a picture
 Short summary of the topic (about 250 words)

Please note that if we accept your submission, your name and the presentation title
and slides will be published on our homepage and in the attendees’ brochures at the
conference. We ask you to inform us in case you don’t agree to this.
Please email the required documents to
The entry deadline is December 10, 2013.

We are glad to answer further questions at
Due to the limited number of slots for lectures, a number of submissions will be selected by a committee. The host reserves the right to reject submissions without giving any reason.

Hagenberger Kreis zur Förderung der digitalen Sicherheit
pA FH-Studiengang Sichere Informationssysteme
Softwarepark 11, A-4232 Hagenberg

Media owner: Hagenberger Kreis zur Foerderung der digitalen Sicherheit. General terms and conditions of the Hagenberger Kreis apply ( ZVR: 617083828.

Related Resources

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