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IIR 2014 : 5th Italian Information Retrieval Workshop


Conference Series : Italian Information Retrieval Workshop
When Jan 20, 2014 - Jan 21, 2014
Where Rome, Italy
Submission Deadline Nov 27, 2013

Call For Papers

5th Italian Information Retrieval Workshop - IIR 2014

January 20-21, 2014

Facoltà di Ingegneria,
Università di Roma, Tor Vergata
Via del Politecnico 1, Roma

*** news *** Invited Speaker: Antonio Gulli (Microsoft)
*** news *** Panel Announcement: "Information and Knowledge Retrieval in the age of Social Media"

The partial list of confirmed participants includes: Renato Soru (Tiscali), Giovanni Iodice (Telecomm Italia), Antonio Gulli (Microsoft)

*** alert *** Submission Deadline: November 27, 2013


The purpose of the Italian Information Retrieval Workshop series (IIR) is to
provide a meeting forum for stimulating and disseminating research in
information retrieval and related areas, where Italian researchers (especially
young ones) and researchers affiliated with Italian institutions can network
and discuss their research results in an informal way.


The first four editions of the Italian Information Retrieval Workshop series
took place in :
Padova (2010,,
Milano (2011,
Bari (2012,
PIsa (2013,


Relevant topics for IIR-2014 include, but are not restricted to :

* Ranking (e.g., retrieval models, learning to rank, diversity, combining
* Queries (e.g., query intent, query log analysis, query reformulation,
question answering)
* Content analysis (e.g., document representation, information extraction,
clustering, classification, sentiment analysis, cross-lingual IR)
* Efficiency (e.g., indexing, compression, distributed IR)
* Filtering (e.g., content-based filtering, collaborative filtering,
recommender systems)
* Evaluation (e.g., test collections, effectiveness measures, experimental
* Users (e.g., user models, user studies, search interface, personalized
search, human-computer IR);
* Web IR (e.g., link analysis, social network analysis, blog search,
computational advertising);
* Multimedia IR (e.g., image search, video search, music IR);
* Structured IR (e.g., XML search, desktop search, entity search);
* Industrial applications (e.g. experiences in the domain of IR);
* Other applications (e.g., genomics IR, legal IR, mobile IR, patent search,
digital libraries, IR for cultural heritage, enterprise search, geographic IR).


Papers may range from theoretical works to system descriptions. e particularly
encourage PhD students or early-stage researchers to submit their work.
We also welcome contributions from the industry. Submissions must be written in
English and follow the guidelines set by Springer for their LNCS series.
Papers must be submitted through EasyChair. Each paper will be reviewed by at
least two PC members.

Submission page :

Authors are invited to submit one of the following types of contributions:

* Full original papers (up to 12 pages);
* Short original papers (up to 8 pages);
* Extended abstracts containing descriptions of ongoing projects or presenting
already published results (up to 4 pages).

Authors of accepted papers will be invited to submit their paper for
publication in the on-line proceedings, which will appear in the CEUR-WS
on-line proceedings series; the proceedings will be indexed by DBLP (as
happened for IIR 2010, 2011, 2012, and 2013).
*** At least one author of each accepted paper must attend the event in order
to present the paper; accepted papers whose authors have not shown up at the
workshop to present the paper will not be published in the proceedings. ***


* Submission deadline : November 27, 2013
* Notification of acceptance : December 20, 2013
* IIR 2013 takes place on : January 20-21, 2014


Participation to the IIR 2014 workshop will be free of charge.
However, advance registration will be strictly required.

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