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ICCE (SSC) 2014 : ICCE 2014 - Special Session on Crowdsourcing


When Jul 30, 2014 - Aug 1, 2014
Where Da Nang
Submission Deadline Feb 21, 2014
Notification Due Mar 28, 2014
Final Version Due May 2, 2014
Categories    crowdsourcing   human computer interaction   performance analysis   incentive design

Call For Papers

Crowdsourcing has evolved to a sustainable business model in the Internet and a valuable tool in research. The potential to reach an enormous amount of people via the Internet, who form a highly diverse workforce and provide human computation power in a very short time, offers possibilities and new service innovations, which have been unthinkable just a few years ago. For example, conducting large scales subjective tests can now be a matter of hours instead of days; pollution sensing in geographic areas can be conducted in real-time using smart devices.

However, crowdsourcing also leads to new technical and scientific, but also social challenges. The huge number of people being active on crowdsourcing platforms imposes high demands on the underlying hardware and network infrastructure. The amount of information generated in crowdsourcing platforms requires new mechanisms to structure this information in an effective and meaning full way. Here, for example, novel concepts from the area of big data might be applicable to automatically route tasks to the most qualified user.

Another current focus in crowdsourcing research is its usage as a tool in science, e.g., for subjective tests. In this context, there is still a lack of best practices. From the social point of view, crowdsourcing imposes the possibility to provide new employment options all around the world. Users are no longer paid because of their home country, but solely based on their skills and performance. Here, crowdsourcing also offers the possibility do foster a global development by, e.g., using education as incentive mechanism additionally to monetary compensation.

Within the scope of the ICCE 2014, a special session on "Crowdsourcing and Crowdsourcing Applications" is offered. For the submission of papers, please select the track "Special Session on Crowdsourcing and Crowdsourcing Applications" in EDAS:

Relevant topics include but are not limited to:
- Applications and novel use cases for crowdsourcing
- Challenges for enterprise, real-time, and mobile crowdsourcing
- Performance analysis and modeling of crowdsourcing systems
- Validation of crowdsourcing experiments and experimental design
- Crowdsourcing technology and mechanisms for crowdsourcing platforms
- Networking aspects of crowdsourcing
- New incentive mechanisms for crowdsourcing
- Economic and business aspects of crowdsourcing
- Practical experiences and best practices

*Submission Guidelines*
All authors should prepare full versions of papers in Microsoft Word (DOC) or Portable Document Format (PDF). Papers must be limited to six pages, including text, references, tables and figures, and prepared according to the IEEE standard template. Details are available at

Papers are submitted online:

All accepted papers will be published in the ICCE 2014 Conference Proceedings and IEEE Xplore. The proceedings of ICCE series is indexed by SCOPUS and listed in Conference Proceeding Citation Index (CPCI) of Thomson Reuters.

*Important Dates*
- Paper submission deadline: January 24th, 2014
- Acceptance notification: March 28th, 2014
- Registration and camera-ready version: May 2nd, 2014
- Conference date: July 30th – August 1st, 2014

*Technical Program Committee*
Wei-Ta Chu (National Chung Cheng University, TW)
Kuan-Ta Chen, (Academia Sinica, TW)
Claudio Bartolini (HP Labs - Palo Alto, US)
Sebastian M”öller (TU Berlin, T-Labs, DE)
Markus Krause (Universität Hannover, DE)
Joseph Davis (University of Sydney, AU)
Vassilis Kostakos (University of Oulu, FI)
Shin'ichi Konomi (Univerity of Tokyo, JP)
Alessandro Bozzon (TU Delft, NL)
Gianluca Demartini (University of Fribourg, CH)
Martin Varela (VTT, FI)
Lea Skorin-Kapov (University of Zagreb, HR)
Raimund Schatz (FTW, AT)
Tim Polzehl (TU Berlin, T-Labs, DE)

*Chairs and Contact*
Matthias Hirth (University of Wuerzburg, Germany)
Tobias Hossfeld (University of Wuerzburg, Germany)

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