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Public Safety Networks Book Series 2015 : Wiley-ISTE - Public Safety Networks Book Series


When Jun 10, 2015 - Jul 12, 2015
Where Worldwide
Submission Deadline Jul 6, 2015
Categories    computer networks   public safety   communications   networking

Call For Papers

Call for Book Chapters
Wiley-ISTE - Public Safety Networks Series

Proposals Submission Deadline: July 06, 2015
Proposals Acceptance date: July 13, 2015
Full Chapters Due: Accepted for the second volume, November 16, 2015
Accepted for the third volume, February 22, 2016

This book series aims to introduce the challenges and the state of the art techniques used in the Public Safety Networks (PSNs) field. PSNs are the kind of network established by the authorities to either prepare the population for an eminent catastrophe, or as support during the crisis and normalization phases. PSNs have special requirements, when compared to regular networks. Normally, for PSNs, the main concerns in the establishment of public safety networks are rapid deployment and survivability. Other important characteristic of this kind of network is that their requirements may change radically, depending on the nature of the faced disaster. However, these networks are always mission critical; once deployed, PSNs have to be reliable since lives may depend on them.

Maintaining communication capabilities in a disaster scenario is a crucial factor for avoiding preventable loss of lives and damages to property. However, during a catastrophe such as an earthquake, power outage or flooding, the main network structure can be severely affected, because the stations are damaged, or simply because power outages shutdowns the antennas. Moreover, even if the infrastructure is not damaged, historically, major disasters are the most intense generators of telecommunications traffic. The public communication networks, even when available, may fail not only because of physical damages, but also because of traffic overload. Therefore, the regular public networks alone are often not sufficient to allow rescue and relief operations. However, equipment failures and lack of connectivity are not the only problems faced by PSNs. Traditionally, PSNs have been owned and operated by individual agencies, such as law enforcement, civil defence and firefighters. Even further, they may belong and obey to commands related to federal, state or municipal governments. All these different PSNs are often not interoperable, which may represent a problem in the case of a catastrophe.

Topics of Interest
Chapters describing original, previously unpublished research work, experimental efforts, legal restrictions, practical experiences, and industrial and commercial developments in all aspects of public safety networks are solicited. Potential topics include, but are not limited to the following areas of interest:

Second volume: System view
- Emergency alert systems.
- Fast deployable heterogeneous networks
- Public Safety applications
- Validation of mission critical networks operation and Testbeds
- Emerging network standards and their impact on PSNs
- Software defined radios and PSNs
- M2M/IoT in support of PSNs
- Software defined networks for disaster management ( network and device)
- Backhaul and Backbone support to PSNs
- Security
- Convergent networks
- PSN as a service (virtualization and network sharing)
- Proximity networks and services
- Efficient unicast, multicast and broadcast delivery
- Data-centric, multimedia applications, and group VoIP for PSN
- Service continuity
- Network (RAN and/core network) Sharing for PSN
- Terminal design aspects (
- Standalone operation and Internetworking
- Moving cells and meshing of base station in PSN
- Indoor and outdoor localization techniques for
- Indoor and outdoor detection object detection techniques
- Mobile crowdsensing (architecture, data, incentives, and etc.)
- Highly reliable communication
- Applicability of new techniques to PSN (full duplex, carrier aggregation, massive mimo, cloud-RAN, etc.)
- RF and antenna design

Third volume: Applications and Use
- Challenges and future applications
- (Geo-)Social networks and disaster scenarios
- Applications and services for PSNs
- Study cases, testbeds and real implementations
- Efficient data analytics and dissemination in PSNs
- Quality of service for PSNs
- Workload characterization on PSNs
- Traffic analysis and characterization for PSNs
- Energy-efficiency for PSN devices
- Big data impacts over public safety systems
- Next generation systems
- Public Safety Scenarios modelling
- Integration of smartphone for public safety Mobile application
- Situational awareness (Video protection, Augmented reality, Sensors, surveillance)

Submission Procedure
Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit a chapter proposal (an extended abstract of 2 pages maximum) with a detailed table of contents and clearly explaining the mission and concerns of the proposed chapter, by July 06, 2015. Submissions should be made by sending the proposal to both editors (, In the e-mail submit the title of the chapter, a small description of the subject, the abstract of the chapter and a short biography (~100 words or less) of each author, with their current affiliation (working organization, location, country, e-mail address, etc). Please, include in the subject "Book chapter for PSN". Authors of accepted proposals will be notified by July 13, 2015 about the status of their proposals. Each manuscript should be written in English in a tutorial manner with enough details so that it can be easily accessible for the readers outside the specific research field. The content and theme of the book should be focused on the advances in the public safety networks field. Authors of accepted chapters may be asked to help reviewing process other authors’ chapters.

Authors should send the chapters in single column format (A4 page size with top and bottom margin: 5.7 cm, left and right margins: 4.5 cm Times New Roman font, 10 point size, line spacing of at least 12 pt, template can be downloaded from Editors expect camera ready chapters of about 20 to 30 pages, but more or less are allowed. An all-in-one PDF file may be submitted for the initial submission however, if the chapter is accepted, this formatting style must be followed and MS-Office file must be supplied, with all the images in high quality format (highest resolution possible, 300 dpi or higher).

Objectives and Target Audience
This book series will be composed of 3 books with 220 pages each, covering three main axes: Overview and Challenges, System , and Applications and Usage. It will intends to cover introductory subjects as well as present the most advanced research concepts, applications and developments related to this field. The main purpose is to cover all the themes that present strong interest in the Public Safety Networks community. It targets researchers, industrials, professionals of IT and any person that has interest in knowing more about Public Safety Networks.

This book is scheduled to be published by Wiley-ISTE. For additional information regarding the publisher, please visit The first publication of this series is anticipated to be released in the second half of 2015.

Important Dates
Proposals: Two pages by July 06, 2015

Full chapters submission: Second volume, November 16, 2015

Notification : Second volume, December 01, 2015

Revised version of accepted chapters due : Second volume December 27, 2015

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