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NMR 2014 : 15th International Workshop on Non-Monotonic Reasoning


Conference Series : Non-Monotonic Reasoning
When Jul 17, 2014 - Jul 19, 2014
Where Vienna, Austria
Submission Deadline Feb 28, 2014
Notification Due Apr 9, 2014
Final Version Due Apr 27, 2014
Categories    artificial intelligence   knowledge representation   logic   non-monotonic reasoning

Call For Papers



15th International Workshop on
Non-Monotonic Reasoning (NMR 2014)

Vienna, Austria, July 17–19, 2014

Co-located with

KR 2014 [],
DL 2014 [],
FLoC 2014, and Logic Colloquium 2014.

NMR 2014 is part of the Vienna Summer of Logic


* Aims and Scope *

The NMR workshop series is the premier specialized forum for
researchers in non-monotonic reasoning and related areas. This will be
the 15th workshop in this series. Its aim is to bring together active
researchers in the broad area of non-monotonic reasoning, including
belief revision, reasoning about actions, argumentation, declarative
programming, preferences, non-monotonic reasoning for ontologies,
uncertainty, and other related topics.

NMR will share a joint session with the 27th International Workshop on
Description Logics (DL 2014).

* Topics *

NMR 2014 welcomes the submission of papers broadly centered on issues
and research in non-monotonic reasoning. We welcome papers of either
theoretical or practical nature. Topics of interest include (but are
not limited to):

- abductive reasoning and diagnosis,
- algorithms and complexity analysis,
- argumentation and dialog,
- answer-set programming,
- belief revision, belief update, and belief merging,
- benchmarks for non-monotonic reasoning,
- declarative programming for non-monotonic reasoning,
- default reasoning,
- empirical studies of reasoning strategies,
- foundations of non-monotonic reasoning,
- hybrid approaches (non-monotonic reasoning combined
with other computing paradigms),
- inconsistency handling,
- implementations and systems,
- non-monotonic logics in multi-agent interaction, including
negotiation and dispute resolution,
- non-monotonic reasoning for ontologies,
- reasoning and decision making under uncertainty,
- reasoning with preferences,
- representing actions and planning,
- causal reasoning, and
- similarity based-reasoning.

* Tracks *

To focus the different topics of submissions, the workshop comprises
the following thematic tracks:

1. Actions, Causality, and Belief Change;
2. Declarative Programming;
3. Argumentation and Dialog;
4. Preferences, Norms, and Trust;
5. NMR and Uncertainty;
6. Commonsense and NMR for Ontologies;

as well as the following special tracks:

7. Systems and Applications;
8. Benchmarks for NMR.

* Systems and Applications Track *

Recent years witnessed the development of mature solver technology for
some NMR based formalisms and, accordingly, successful real-world
applications. This track welcomes papers on describing implemented
NMR systems as well as papers presenting applications of NMR
formalisms and systems. Topics of interest include pure system
descriptions (providing information on the basic functionality and
usability of the respective systems), the comparison and evaluation of
NMR systems, NMR applications in industry and academia, software
engineering and modeling methodology aspects, and reports from the

* Benchmarks for NMR special track *

The aim of the Benchmarks for NMR special track is to discuss the
construction of benchmarks for NMR. Benchmarks proved useful in a
variety of domains in order to develop efficient algorithms and
methods. They are for the moment insufficiently developed for main NMR
areas. We want to discuss this issue in NMR 2014. Typical questions of
interested could be:

- How to obtain benchmarks from real application cases?
- How to build sensible random benchmarks?
- How to export existing benchmarks in some formalism into
other domains formalisms?
- Etc.

Papers related to these issues, description of existing systems of
benchmarks, etc., are welcome.

* Submissions *

Papers should be between 4 and 10 pages in AAAI style
( including
references, figures, and appendixes if any. System descriptions can
typically be on the lower bound of the page range.

Papers submission will be handled electronically by means of the
easychair system. Papers must be submitted in PDF only. The submission
page is available at

Papers already published at other conferences and that can be of
interest for an NMR audience are welcomed to NMR 2014, provided that
the initial publication is mentioned in a footnote on the first page.

Submissions will have to indicate to which of the above listed tracks
it is intended to belong to, as well as whether it constitutes new
research or recently published research.

* Proceedings *

There are no formal proceedings for NMR. The accepted papers will be
published as a technical report and will be made available in the CoRR
Computing Research Repository, see

The copyright of the papers lies with the authors, and as far as NMR
is concerned, they are free to submit to other conferences and
workshops as well. Similarly, papers already published can be
submitted (but this has to be indicated in the submission).

* Important Dates *

Submission deadline (extended): February 28, 2014
Notification (extended): April 9, 2014
Camera-ready articles due (extended): April 28, 2014
NMR 2014: July 17-19, 2014

* Location *

NMR 2014 will be held at the Vienna University of Technology and is
part of the Vienna Summer of Logic,,

which will probably be the largest scientific logic event in known

* Workshop Chairs *

Sébastien Konieczny (CNRS, Université d'Artois, France)
Hans Tompits (Vienna University of Technology, Austria)

Email: nmr14 [at] kr [dot] tuwien [dot] ac [dot] at

* Track Chairs *

1. Actions, Causality, and Belief Change
Renata Wasserman (Universidade de São Paulo, Brasil)
2. Declarative Programming
Tomi Janhunen (Aalto University, Finland)
3. Argumentation and Dialog
Paul E. Dunne (University of Liverpool, UK)
4. Preferences, Norms, and Trust
Mehdi Dastani (Utrecht University, Netherlands)
5. NMR and Uncertainty
Lluis Godo (Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Spain)
6. Commonsense and NMR for Ontologies
Guilin Qi (Southeast University, China)
7. Systems and Applications
Esra Erdem (Sabanci University, Turkey)
8. Benchmarks for NMR
Sébastien Konieczny (CNRS, Université d'Artois, France)

* Homepage *

Related Resources

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UR@FLAIRS 2025   Special Track on Uncertain Reasoning at FLAIRS-38
SPIE-Ei/Scopus-DMNLP 2025   2025 2nd International Conference on Data Mining and Natural Language Processing (DMNLP 2025)-EI Compendex&Scopus
ECSQARU 2025   18th European Conference on Symbolic and Quantitative Approaches to Reasoning with Uncertainty
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