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CSG / iLRN 2015 : Special Track on Cognitive Serious Gaming at iLRN 2015


When Jul 13, 2015 - Jul 14, 2015
Where Prague, Czech Republic
Submission Deadline Mar 30, 2015
Notification Due Apr 15, 2015
Final Version Due May 15, 2015
Categories    serious games   gamification   games   learning

Call For Papers

Special Track on Cognitive Serious Gaming (CSG)
at the Immersive Learning Research Network Conference iLRN Prague 2015
13th - 14th July 2015
Prague, Czech Republic

Call for Papers

* Papers Submission deadline: 15st March 2015
* Author Notification: 15th April 2015
* Camera-ready deadline: 15th May 2015

* Main Conference: 13th – 14th July 2015

Recent years have seen a rapid proliferation of serious games as they provide the context in which participants can dunk and experience a simulated environment as real, as they can achieve rich and complex content-based interaction. Serious games including simulations and immersive environments, have the potential to be an important teaching tool because they involve learners in interactive, engaging and immersive activities that allow them to practice and improve technical, practical and creative skills. To achieve this serious games use advanced interfaces close to game quality, creativity, and advanced technology to meet training objectives, but these principles alone will not guarantee that the intended learning occurs. To be an effective educational tool, serious games must couple advanced technological interventions with sound cognitive, learning, and pedagogical principles into their design and structure.

This special session aims to explore how cognitive principles can be applied to improve the training effectiveness in serious games. Papers that explore the design and development of serious games that automatically process and manage effectively the content and context in which learning takes place to support formal and informal learning both for teacher’s training and student’s learning would be of special research interest. Therefore, we invite practitioners and researchers alike to submit papers under the following topics.

This special track welcomes submissions on (but not limited to) the following topics:

* Serious games[1] in training and education
* Natural Language and serious games (with focus in training and education)
* AI in serious games for training/education
* Context aware (e.g., location, user performance, preferences, state of the game, other) serious games
* Cognitive and pedagogical principles / issues / aspects of serious games
* Empathy and serious games / educational games
* User centred serious game design
* Serious game analytics
* New developments and trends in context aware serious games in training and education
* Gamified education/training applications

Track chairs
Daphne Economou, University of Westminster, UK
Vassiliki Bouki, University of Westminster, UK
Aristidis Protopsaltis, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität, Germany
Ioannis Doumanis, CTVC Ltd, UK

Program Committee
Mark Baldwin, University of Westminster, UK
Tom Boyle, London Metropolitan University, UK
Paul Brna, University of Edinburgh, UK
Vassiliki Bouki, University of Westminster, UK
Ioannis Doumanis, CTVC Ltd, UK
Daphne Economou, University of Westminster, UK
Charalampos Karagiannidis, University of Thessaly, Volos, Greece
Petros Lameras, Serious Games Institute, UK
Catherine Loveday, University of Westminster, UK
Panagiotis Petridis, Aston University, UK
Aristidis Protopsaltis, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität, Germany
Daniela Romano, University of Sheffield, UK
Thrasyvoulos Tsiatsos, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece

[1] We refer to an ecosystem of platform and devices (desktop, mobile, iTV) that support serious games and also 2D or 3D environments.

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