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AIMaViG 2015 : 1st International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence in Machine Vision and Graphics


When Sep 13, 2015 - Sep 16, 2015
Where Lodz, Poland
Submission Deadline Apr 24, 2015
Notification Due Jun 15, 2015
Final Version Due Jul 1, 2015
Categories    computer science   information technology   graphics   artificial intelligence

Call For Papers


1st International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence in Machine Vision and Graphics (AIMaViG’15)

Lodz, Poland, September 13-16, 2015


We would like to cordially invite you to consider contributing a paper to AIMaViG 2015 - held as a part of the Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems (FedCSIS 2015).

FedCSIS a yearly international multi-conference organized by the Polish Information Processing Society (PTI) in cooperation with the IEEE Region 8, ACM Special Interest Group on Applied Computing, European Alliance for Innovation, Lodz ACM Chapter, Polish Operational and Systems Research Society - POSRS, Eastern Cluster ICT Poland, Mazovia Cluster ICT (further technical collaborations will be announced shortly).

The main scope of the workshop on Artificial Intelligence in Machine Vision and Graphics (AIMaViG’15) is to provide an interdisciplinary forum for researchers and developers to present and discuss latest advances of Artificial Intelligence in these wide and heterogeneous fields.

The workshop covers the whole range of theoretical and practical aspects, technologies and systems based on Artificial Intelligence in the machine vision and graphics area, and aims to bring together specialists for exchanging ideas and promoting fruitful discussions.


The topics and areas include but are not limited to:

- image processing
- scene analysis, modeling, and understanding
- machine vision
- pattern matching and pattern recognition
- image synthesis, including three-dimensional imaging and solid modeling
- computer-aided graphic arts and animation
- mathematical approaches to image processing, analysis, and synthesis
- computational geometry
- image models and transforms
- visualization and graphical data presentation
- diagrammatic knowledge representation and reasoning
- monocular and stereo vision
- modeling of human visual perception
- innovative uses of various graphic and vision devices and systems


Papers should be submitted by April 24, 2015. Preprints will be published on a USB memory stick provided to the FedCSIS participants. Only papers presented during the conference will be submitted to the IEEE for inclusion in the Xplore Digital Library. Furthermore, proceedings, published in a volume with ISBN and ISSN numbers will posted at the conference WWW site. Moreover, most Events' organizers arrange quality journals, edited volumes, etc. and may invite selected extended and revised papers for post-conference publications (information can be found at the websites of individual events).


- Paper submission: April 24, 2015
- Position paper submission: June 1, 2015
- Acceptance decision: June 15, 2015
- Final version of paper submission: July 1, 2015
- Final deadline for discounted fee: July 1, 2015
- Conference dates: September 13-16, 2015


- Kwaśnicka, Halina, Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland
- Paradowski, Mariusz, Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland
- Śluzek, Andrzej, Khalifa University, Abu Dhabi, UAE, United Arab Emirates


Maria Ganzha, Leszek A. Maciaszek, Marcin Paprzycki


FedCSIS on Facebook:
FedCSIS on LinkedIN:

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