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SDMAS08 2008 : Second Workshop on Scalable Data Management, Applications and Systems


When Jul 14, 2008 - Jul 17, 2008
Where Las Vegas, Nevada
Submission Deadline Feb 15, 2008
Notification Due Mar 20, 2008
Categories    databases   communications   storage   web

Call For Papers

First Call for papers


Second International Workshop on Scalable Data Management Applications and Systems

to be held within

The 2008 International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing
Techniques and Applications
Las Vegas Nevada, USA
July, 14-17 2008

Best papers to be published in Journal of Supercomputing


Data management is becoming a more and more important issue in every
kind of computing system. High-performance computing, data
visualization, multimedia and data mining systems are examples of
application areas where input/output and storage are critical issues for
performance. A key challenge in those areas is how to transfer large
amounts of data in and out of large-scale systems, like clusters, Grids
and peer-to-peer systems. Another key point is how to transfer large
amount of data in a timely manner. The aim of the workshop is to
identify, discuss, and share the barriers and workarounds that have been
discovered in the storage and input/output fields.

Compute and I/O-intensive applications, as represented by the Grand
Challenge problems, multimedia, cosmology simulation, climate modeling
and collaborative large-scale visualizations, large data acquisition
networks, data fussion and integration to name just a few, call for
innovative approaches to alleviate the I/O devices and networks(both
bandwidth and file access) bottlenecks.

The advent of commodity (COTS) hardware platforms has opened up numerous
possibilities in massive data gathering and storage, scalable systems,
and large-scale simulations. The goal of this workshop is to bring
together educators, researchers, developers and vendors to discuss
problems and solutions in the former areas, to identify new issues, and
to shape future research and development directions. We are soliciting
papers reporting original work on, but not limited to the following


* File systems, protocols and storage management for parallel and
distributed systems, including supercomputers, clusters, grid, peer to
peer, and embedded systems.

* Internet services scalability, including locally and geographically
distributed web systems, web clusters, web applications architecture,
mobile applications, web services, load balancing, availability and
reliability of web systems, web caching, web replication, edge services,
web performance modeling, web workload characterization, etc.

* High performance I/O, including massively parallel storage
architectures, data and meta-data consistency, allocation and
utilization strategies for exploiting parallel and distributed memory,
Ad-hoc parallel file systems, parallel I/O architectures, compilers and
I/O APIs, etc.

* Parallel and distributed databases, including OLAP, replication
schemes, optimal data allocation, multidimensional analysis, access
patterns, data declustering, Client Caching Data Management Systems,
index distribution schemes, memory management techniques, etc.

* Performance evaluation: benchmarking of data management systems, I/O
benchmarks, performance under faulty conditions, I/O optimization
techniques for scientific and business applications, performance tuning,
I/O modeling, performance tools, tests of products, etc.

* Security, reliability and availability in distributed storage systems,
including fault tolerance mechanisms, impact of replication on
reliability, reliability and availability modelling, highly available
storage systems, cryptographic techniques, secure protocols, etc.

* Data management applications, including data mining, knowledge
discovery, data fussion, ontologies, bioinformatics, simulations,
geographical information systems, image processing, Web retrieval,
checkpointing, astrophysics, particle physics, etc.

* Storage technology and protocols including both hardware and software
elements, including new I/O architectures, active storage,
virtualization, I/O middleware, quality of service issues, etc.


Submission deadline: Feb, 15, 2008
Notification to authors: March 20, 2008
Workshop dates.July 14-17, 2008

Jesús Carretero and José Daniel García
SDMAS'08 Chairs

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