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AHT 2014 : Appropriate Healthcare Technologies for Low Resource Settings - AHT2014


When Sep 17, 2014 - Sep 18, 2014
Where 15Hatfields, London, UK
Submission Deadline Mar 10, 2014
Notification Due Apr 16, 2014
Final Version Due Jul 16, 2014
Categories    healthcare   INTERNATIONAL   low resource   innovation

Call For Papers

Following the huge success of AHT2012 The IET is delighted to once again announce its 8th international conference - Appropriate Healthcare Technologies for Low Resource Settings - AHT2014, promoting access to healthcare through technology.Our successful AHT2012 was attended by 120 people and was watched live by over 25 countries.

This two day must attend conference brings together healthcare technologists, clinicians, researchers and public bodies from around the world to explore effective engineering solutions to meet the healthcare problems in low resource settings.

Technical scope

The AHT 2014 Scientific and Organising Committee welcomes contributions from, but not limited to, topics in the following areas:

Innovative technologies for clinical and laboratory equipment
WHO tools and resources
Engineer and technician training
Equipment procurement and maintenance
Links between industrialised and developing world hospitals and healthcare centres
Local design and manufacturing
Transfer and management of appropriate healthcare technologies
Safety and standards issues
Appropriate equipment donations
Telemedicine, e-health, m-health
Energy sources for healthcare equipment

Related Resources

LoResLM 2025   The First Workshop on Language Models for Low-Resource Languages
MLHC 2025   Machine Learning for Healthcare
HEALTHINFO 2025   The Tenth International Conference on Informatics and Assistive Technologies for Health-Care, Medical Support and Wellbeing
CyS 2025   Call for Papers Thematic Section on Language Equity Through NLP Addressing Low-Resource Challenges under Computacion y Sistemas journal
AiIH 2025   International Conference on AI in Helthcare
LoResLM 2025   The First Workshop on Language Models for Low-Resource Languages
ISM 2025   International Conference on Industry of the Future and Smart Manufacturing
LoResMT 2025   The Eighth Workshop on Technologies for Machine Translation of Low-Resource Languages
FLAIRS-AI-Healthcare 2025   FLAIRS-38 Special Track on Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare Informatics
CompHealth 2025   Computational Health Workshop at ICCS 2025