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TASE 2010 : Theoretical Aspects of Software Engineering


Conference Series : Theoretical Aspects of Software Engineering
When Aug 25, 2010 - Aug 27, 2010
Where Taipei
Abstract Registration Due Mar 19, 2010
Submission Deadline Mar 26, 2010
Notification Due May 17, 2010
Final Version Due Jun 14, 2010

Call For Papers

Call For Submission

The 4th Theoretical Aspects of Software Engineering Conference (TASE 2010), sponsored by IEEE Computer Society, will be held in Taipei, Taiwan, ROC in 2010.

The first three TASE conferences were held in Shanghai, China in June 2007; in Nanjing, China in June 2008; and in Tianjin, China in June 2009.

IEEE TASE 2010 aims to become a forum for the presentation and discussion of new fundamental ideas in software engineering of large-scale systems. Software engineering of such systems has usually been viewed as the study of principles, guidelines, and empirical rules. To manage the complexity of large-scale software projects, various theories have been proposed.

Topics of Interest

Such theories may include, but are not limited to, the following:

* automata
* logics
* set theory
* type theory
* process algebrae
* probability
* game theory
* theorem-proving
* model-checking
* simulation-checking
* testing
* simulation

Innovative applications of such theories to the following and other related aspects of software engineering are highly solicited to IEEE TASE 2010.

* requirements engineering
* specification
* model-Driven Engineering
* software architectures and synthesis
* aspect and object orientation
* embedded and real-time systems
* software processes and workflows
* component-based software engineering
* software safety, security and reliability
* reverse engineering and software maintenance
* service-oriented computing
* semantic web and web services
* dependable concurrency
* program analysis
* software modeling
* software simulation
* software testing
* software model checking

We, the organizing team of IEEE TASE 2010, will make our best effort toward a high-quality technical program and enjoyable atmosphere. We cordially invite practitioners and researchers in software engineering to join IEEE TASE 2010 in Taipei.


To Be Announced

Every regular paper will be allocated 25 minutes for presentation. We suggest you to talk for 20 minutes, and leave 5 minutes for question-answering. Poster papers will be presented at the poster sessions on day 1 and day 2 . Every poster paper will be given a A1 size poster board. Authors of poster papers will need to prepare and print their poster (of A1 size) in advance. Please be at the presentation room 10 minutes before the session and contact your session chair. A student volunteer will help you to copy your slide into the laptop that is connected with the projector.

Important Dates

Regular Papers:

March 19, 2010: Title and abstract submission deadline
March 26, 2010: Paper submission deadline (23:59, Apia Time, GMT-11)
May 17, 2010: Acceptance/rejection notification ( Notification emails sent out on 18 May 2010 )
June 14, 2010: Camera-ready version and signed IEEE copyright form due
August 25 - 27, 2010: TASE 2010

Poster Papers:

March 19, 2010: Poster proposal (extended abstract) submission deadline
June 7, 2010: Acceptance/rejection notification ( Notification emails sent out on 8 June 2010 )
June 14, 2010: Camera-ready version and signed IEEE copyright form due
August 20, 2010: A1-Size Poster (for backup) Due
August 25 - 27, 2010: TASE 2010

Program Committee

Keijiro Araki (Kyzushu University, Japan)
Dirk Beyer (UC-Berkely)
Jonathan Bowen (King's College London, UK)
Marius Bozga (University of Paris)
Supratik Chakraborty (IIT, India)

Jim Davies (Oxford University, UK)
Jin Song Dong (National University of Singapore, Singapore)
Zhenhua Duan (Xi’dian University, China)
John Hatcliff (Kansas State University)
Teruo Higashino (Osaka University)

Changjun Jiang (Tongji University, Shanghai)
Jie-Hong Roland Jiang (National Taiwan University)
Zhi Jin (Beijing University, China)
Kung-Kiu Lau (Manchester University, UK)
Jonathan Lee (National Central University, Taiwan)

Xuandong Li (Nanjing University, CN)
Deron Liang (National Central University, Taiwan)
Shaoying Liu (Hosei University, Japan)
Lin Liu (Tsinghua University, CN)
Zhiming Liu (UNU/IIST, MO)

Hong Mei (Peking University, China)
Huaikou Miao (Shanghai University, China)
Frederic Mallet (INRIA, France)

Doron A. Peled (Bar-Ilan University)
Geguang Pu (East China Normal University, China)

Shengchao Qin (Durham University, UK)
Zongyan Qiu (Peking University, China)
Sriram Rajamani (Microsoft, India)

Zhong Shao (Yale University, USA)
Volker Stolz (UNU/IIST, MO)

Jing Sun (University of Auckland, NZ)
Tetsuo Tamai (university of Tokyo)
Yih-Kuen Tsay (National Taiwan University)

Margus Veanes (Microsoft, USA)
Ji Wang (Changsha Institute of Technology, China)

Linzhang Wang(Nanjing University, China)
Wei Wang (Fudan University, China)
Jim Woodcock (University of York, UK)

Hsu-Chun Yen (National Taiwan University, Taiwan)
Wang Yi (Uppsala University, Sweden)

Shi Ying (Wuhan University, China)
Gianluigi Zavattaro (University of Bologna, Italy)
Jian Zhang (Institute of Software, China)

Miaomiao Zhang (Tongji University, China)
Jianjun Zhao (Shanghai Jiaotong University, China)

Huibiao Zhu (East China Normal University, China)

Related Resources

TASE 2025   19th International Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Software Engineering
TASE 2025   19th International Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Software Engineering
ACM SAC 2025   40th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium On Applied Computing
SAM 2025   System Analysis and Modelling conference
DSA 2025   The 12th International Conference on Dependability Systems and Their Applications
STACS 2025   Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science
ICSEA 2025   The Twentieth International Conference on Software Engineering Advances
IARCE 2025   2025 5th International Conference on Industrial Automation, Robotics and Control Engineering
ISCMI 2025   2025 12th International Conference on Soft Computing & Machine Intelligence (ISCMI 2025)