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UAB Body&Textuality 2014 : 3rd International Congress Texts of the Body «THE AUTHORIAL KALEIDOSCOPE: TEXTUALISATIONS OF THE BODY-CORPUS»


When Dec 3, 2014 - Dec 5, 2014
Where Cerdanyola del Vallès (Barcelona)
Submission Deadline Jun 1, 2014
Categories    literature   post-structuralism   cultural studies   poetics of the self

Call For Papers

Even though Barthes declared the author dead, he also suggested an unavoidable constructionof a figure or character along the literary communication process throughout his work. In the wake of these suggestions, and also considering Michel Foucault’s textual function approach, recent Literary Theory has been shaping different concepts and theoretical frameworks in order to re-think the author’s validity as a hermeneutical key.

We intend to discuss the relationships between BODY, CORPUS and AUTHORSHIP. The term corpus –regarding an author– refers to the body of texts that compose this author’s work, presupposing the existence of a particular relationship between them. This assumption, however, continually suggests a surprising yet naturalized metaphor: the corpus of an author –that set of related texts– constitutes a body in itself.

The suggested thematic guidelines are:

* (Un)authorized signatures: Gender, sexuality, ethnicity, class and authorship

* Embodied authorship: the performing body

* Corporal metaphors in authorship

* Media supports and authorship: cinema, photographyinterviews, exhibition, house-museum, etc.

* Literary paratexts: cover, inside front cover, review, biography, literary historiography, etc.

* The authorial authority: legitimizing mecanisms

* Artistic and cultural authorships: Writing, thinking, critique and creativity subjects

The official languages of the conference are: Catalan, Spanish, French, Portuguese and English.

Submissions of papers are invited. We kindly ask the authors of accepted submissions not to exceed the 20 minutes assigned to each speaker.

Selected papers will be published in the conference proceedings via peer review process. Thestyle guidelines and the deadline will be notified in due time.

The deadline for the abstracts is June 1st 2014. Abstracts should be in any of the official languages of the conference, should have an extension of 150-300 words, and provide five to seven key words. The document, as well as the speaker's name, his or her institutional affiliation, e-mail address, postal address, and contact number shall be sent via e-mail.

The Scientific Committee will notify the acceptance of the selected submissions after the 15th of July, 2014.

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