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IADT 2023 : Invited Session on Interdisciplinary Approaches in Digital Transformation


When Sep 6, 2023 - Sep 8, 2023
Where Athens, Greece
Submission Deadline Apr 24, 2023
Notification Due May 15, 2023
Final Version Due May 29, 2023
Categories    computer science   digital transformation   information systems   data science

Call For Papers


Invited Session on Interdisciplinary Approaches in Digital Transformation (IADT 2023)
URL: (IS05),
Deadline for Paper submissions to: 10th of April, 2023

Organized within the framework of the
27th International Conference on on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems (KES 2023)

6 - 8 September, 2023



One of the hot issues in many organization systems is how to transform large amounts of daily collected operational data into the useful knowledge from the perspective of declared company goals and expected business values. The main concerns of this invited session are Digital Transformation paradigms, as a set of theories, methodologies, processes, architectures, and technologies that transform raw data into meaningful and useful information, knowledge, and value. Various interdisciplinary oriented approaches of Digital Transformation may provide organizations the ability to use their data to improve quality of business, increase financial efficiency and operational effectiveness, conduct innovative research and satisfy regulatory requirements. Applications of appropriate implementation methodologies when applying Digital Transformation approaches to complex organization systems, not only in business sectors, but also in public, non-profit, and government sectors.

The main goal of the session is to attract researchers from all over the world who will present their contributions, interdisciplinary approaches or case studies in the area of Digital Transformation. We express an interest in gathering scientists and practitioners interested in applying Digital Transformation approaches in public and government sectors, such as healthcare, education, or security services, as well as in industry sectors and Industry 4.0 approaches. Experts from all other sectors are also welcomed.

Submissions are expected from, but not limited to the following topics:

* Applications, Industry Experience and practical aspects of Digital Transformation
* Cloud-computing models and scalability in Digital Transformation systems
* Concepts of Agility in times of ongoing digitization
* Data driven business models
* Digitization and impacts for Digital Transformation
* Digitization as an enabler of Agility and Ambidexterity
* Digital Marketing, new web services, sematic web and data analytics
* Dynamic Pricing: potentials and approaches of Digital Transformation
* Human and organizational factors, skills and qualifications for Digital Transformation
* Issues of Data privacy and security in Digital Transformation
* Mobile BI, Smart Data, Smart Services, and Smart Products
* Opportunities and Barriers of Agility on Digitization
* Teaching new approaches of Digital Transformation in academic and industrial environments


* Papers will be refereed and accepted on the basis of their scientific merit and relevance to the conference.
* The required full paper length is 8 to 10 pages. Call for papers and detailed information for the authors can be found at
* Papers to be considered for the conference must be submitted through the PROSE online submission and review system available at


* Paper submission: 24 April,2023
* Acceptance notification: 15 May, 2023
* Final paper submission: 29 May, 2023
* Conference: 6 - 8 September, 2023


* Ralf-Christian Härting, University of Aalen, Germany
* Ivan Luković, University of Belgrade, Serbia

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