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ISVC 2016 : 12th International Symposium on Visual Computing


Conference Series : International Symposium on Visual Computing
When Dec 12, 2016 - Dec 14, 2016
Where Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
Submission Deadline Aug 20, 2016
Notification Due Sep 25, 2016
Final Version Due Oct 21, 2016
Categories    computer vision   computer graphics   virtual reality   visualization

Call For Papers


12th International Symposium on Visual Computing (ISVC’16)

December 12-14, 2016
Monte Carlo Resort & Casino
Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

ISVC provides a common forum for researchers, scientists, engineers and
practitioners to present their latest research findings, ideas,
developments and applications in visual computing. We seek papers
contributing to the state of the art and practice in any of the four main
areas of visual computing: (1) computer vision, (2) computer graphics, (3)
virtual reality, and (4) visualization. A "best paper" award ($500) will
be sponsored by industry (TBA). The symposium's proceedings will be
published by Springer-Verlag in Lecture Notes in Computer Science.

*** Keynote Speakers

Mubarak Shah, University of Central Florida, USA
James Rehg, Georgia Tech, USA
Kristen Grauman University of Texas at Austin, USA
James Klosowski, AT&T, USA
Theisel Holger, University of Magdeburg, Germany
Daniel Keefe, University of Minnesota, USA

*** (Area 1) Computer Vision Chairs:
Fatih Porikli, Australian National University, Australia
Sandra Skaff, Canon, USA

*** (Area 2) Computer Graphics Chairs:
Entezari Alireza, University of Florida, USA
Min Jianyuan, Google, USA

*** (Area 3) Virtual Reality Chairs:
Daisuke Iwai, Osaka University, Japan
Amela Sadagic Naval Postgraduate School, USA

*** (Area 4) Visualization Chairs:
Carlos Scheidegger University of Arizona, USA
Tobias Isenberg, INRIA, France

*** Important Dates

Special track proposals: June 15, 2016
Paper submissions August 20, 2016
Notification of acceptance September 25, 2016
Final camera ready paper October 21, 2016
Advance Registration October 21, 2016
ISVC’16 Symposium December 12-14, 2016

*** Submission Procedure

Papers submitted to ISVC’16 must not have been previously published and
must not be currently under consideration for publication elsewhere. A
complete paper should be submitted in camera-ready format. The length
should match that intended for final publication. The page limit is 12
pages. In submitting a paper the author(s) agree that, upon acceptance,
they will prepare the final manuscript in time for inclusion into the
proceedings and will present the paper at the symposium.

***Special Tracks

Proposals are invited for special tracks on any topic relevant to the
symposium. Special tracks are intended to stimulate in-depth discussions
in special areas relevant to the symposium theme. All papers accepted in a
special track will be published in the symposium proceedings. If you are
interested in organizing a special track, please email a special track
proposal to by June 15, 2016, including the following

1. Title
2. Scope and Topics
3. Names of organizers and contact information
4. Initial special track committee
5. Anticipated number of papers

For a list of special tracks organized in previous years, please visit

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