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PETRA- 2010 : The 3rd International Conference on PErvasive Technologies Related to Assistive Environments is


When Jun 23, 2010 - Jun 25, 2010
Where Samos, Greece
Submission Deadline Feb 5, 2010
Categories    computer   assistive environments   pervasive technology   HCI

Call For Papers

The 3rd International Conference on PErvasive Technologies Related to Assistive Environments

PETRA 2010 (
June 23-25, Samos, Greece
Conference Theme
The PETRA Conference brings together different types of technology to address an important social and healthcare issue: as the world's population ages, there is growing interest in solutions for the in- home care of the elderly as well as for the care of people with Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and other disabilities or traumas. PETRA (which means "stone" in Greek) reflects the needs of the domestic environment, or "Oikos" as it was known in ancient Greece, but from a technological perspective. People's living environments are particularly important in an increasingly crowded and complex world where the need for inclusiveness and connectivity with the rest of the world is key. PETRA addresses the fact that, as people grow older, they will increasingly rely on technology to be able to stay in their homes.
Topics and areas of interest include, but are not limited to:
Tools, infrastructures, architectures and techniques for designing, implementing and deploying pervasive applications in assistive environments
Privacy, security and trust, especially risk analysis of sharing health data
Wearable, ambient and home based health and wellness measurement and monitoring technologies, including requirements for probes for gathering this information in household settings
Mobile and wireless technologies for healthcare information storage, transmission, processing, and feedback
Sensor networks for pervasive care
Robotics and automation in assistive living systems
Human Centered Computing and the Senior Citizen; Usability and HCI interfaces
Signal and image processing for ambient intelligence and pervasive computing
Reasoning systems and machine learning for assistive environments
Social, ethical, legal and e-government issues in pervasive healthcare and aging
Social impacts of the use of pervasive technologies on the user in pervasive assistive environments
Nanotechnology for pervasive health environments
Global Healthcare and the Citizen’ Standards and interoperability
Information Technology and Biomedicine and/or Telemedicine
See more topics in
General Chair:
Fillia Makedon, University of Texas at Arlington, USA
Program Committee Chairs:
Matt Bishop, University of California Davis, USA
Ilias Maglogiannis, University of Central Greece, GREECE
Local Organizing Committee Chair:
Ioannis Anagnostopoulos, University of the Aegean,GREECE
Important dates
Full Paper Submission Deadline: February 05, 2010
Short Paper Submission Deadline: February 15, 2010
Workshop Proposal Submissions Deadline: January 15, 2009
Tutorial Proposal Submissions Deadline: December 15, 2009
Poster Submissions Deadline: February 25, 2010
*All conference papers will be published in the ACM conference proceedings. Selected papers will be invited to special journal issues.

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