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IEEE-CEM 2018 : IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine - Special Issue on Innovative Application of Machine Learning for End Consumers


When N/A
Where N/A
Submission Deadline Jan 31, 2018
Notification Due Apr 30, 2018
Categories    machine learning   data mining   knowledge discovery   artificial intelligence

Call For Papers

Call for Papers for a Special Issue on:Innovative Applications of Machine Learning for End Consumers

Authors are invited to submit papers for a special issue on “Innovative Applications of Machine Learning” in the IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine that will provide a comprehensive review on fundamentals as well as the current state-of-the-art in research and technology. Machine learning has received much attention recently with advances in things that affect our everyday lives, e.g. autonomous vehicles, lifelike chatbots, speech recognition, intelligent web search, financial forecasting, and many other consumer applications. Machine learning can be used to construct predictive pattern-based model as well as help understand hidden trends in data. These hidden trends can be used to formulate actionable knowledge. This special issue is devoted to innovative applications of machine learning techniques (supervised, unsupervised, semi-supervised, evolutionary, transfer, deep, and reinforcement learning), and how these techniques become helpful in extracting actionable knowledge. Applications can be in any area that will benefit end consumers, e.g. shopping, banking, healthcare, social issues, security, education, etc. Therefore, this special issue will provide a forum for researchers and practitioners to identify and implement machine learning approaches that address existing and impending real-world problems and opportunities, and exchange ideas on how these approaches are helping create actionable knowledge. Technical articles are welcome but these should be of general interest to an engineering audience and of broader scope than archival journal/transaction papers. Articles should be broadly scoped as typically review and tutorial articles are suited to the Magazine.

Topics of interest for this Special Issue include but are not limited to the following:

 Theoretical framework for actionable knowledge discovery
 Consumer domain driven data mining
 Novel machine learning applications
 Mining actionable patterns from complex datasets
 Home healthcare informatics
 Text understanding (web search, anti-spam)
 Speech recognition
 Smart bots
 Image processing
 Intrusion detection

Submission Procedure:

Submissions should follow the IEEE standard template and should consist of the following: (i) A manuscript of maximum 8-page length: A pdf of the complete manuscript layout with figures, tables placed within the text; (ii) A source file in Word or Latex format; (iii) High resolution original photos and graphics as JPEG files are required for the final submission. Images embedded in Word or Excel documents are not suitable; however, figures and graphics may be provided in a PowerPoint slide deck with one figure/graphic per slide. Articles which have been previously published at a conference need to have at least 40% new material as clarified in the cover letter of the submission.The manuscripts need to be submitted online using the following URL: The authors need to select "Special Section: Innovative Applications of Machine Learning” in Step-1 of the submission process to ensure that the article is reviewed for this Special Call.

Schedule (Tentative):
 Submission Deadline: January 31, 2018
 Author Notification: April 30, 2018
 Publication Date: End of 2018 (Tentative)

Guest Editors:
Alvis Fong, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI, USA; Email:
Muhammad Usman, SZABIST, Islamabad, Pakistan; Email:

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